Freehand Halloween Nail Art - Who Not To Invite Inside!

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you had a fun weekend?

On Saturday afternoon I helped my niece and nephew with pumpkin carving, considering I have never done it before I think I did pretty good, no knife injuries! My sister helped my nephew carve a creepy face and my niece and I made a pretty cool looking cat but I think they had more fun playing with the pumpkin flesh. We also realised after we had made them that my sister had no candles..

Anyway, today I have my last Halloween manicure to share with you. Ever since I created the 'sinister sisters' nail art I've wanted to out do it and create something better. I gave it a go but I'll let you guys be the judges.

I guess I painted these guys randomly. I didn't have an idea when I started. My favourite is the beaky-bugger on the end, I'd imagine he pecks out eyes before chomping them with his razor teeth. Yum, yum. The werewolf is examining his claws, making sure they are sharp enough for his night of fun.

For this manicure I began with my usual OPI 'Nail Envy' and once dried I applied two coats of Catrice 'Johnny Deep'. On top of this I added a thin coat of Born Pretty Store's 'Fiery Love' flakie polish. I applied a coat of Barry M top coat and allowed to dry.

Next I used only black and white acrylic paints to create my creepers and sealed my paintings with another layer of top coat and finally added Barry M's matte top coat.

I kinda like how this came out however I was still using my Pro-FX top coat at this time which I realise dulled some parts of the manicure. Don't worry, I'm no longer using it. I can't spend 3-4 hours painting to have something sabotage my designs! 

2015 What was up with my nail shape??!

What do you guys thinks? Would you let my creepers into your house?

Have a fantastic time if you are celebrating, stay safe. If you're not then have an awesome regular Tuesday! 

Thank you for visiting, take care and I'll see you on Wednesday!



  1. Wow, creeepy and perfect for Halloween. I am not a fan of Halloween manicures on my nails but I always enjoy watching the creations of others. I think that tomorrow we will carve a pumpkin too, because my daughter loves it, so keeping my fingers crossed to have no knife injuries :)

  2. Your nails turned out amazing! I could never pull anything like that off without messing up 1000 times.

  3. I've never seen matte nail polish before. Ok, I seriously feel old now but I really haven't. It's neat. Does it scuff up easily and take on other colors the way matte paint does or is it super durable like glossy polish?

  4. OMG they look just so good! Look at them! They are just perfect for halloween!

  5. I'm totally digging your nail design. You did that all by yourself? I love it. Happy Halloween!

  6. This looks fantastic! I'm so impressed at the detail you're able to put on your nails. I really like the one with his eye hanging out. I also like "trick" on the pinky. The look from 2015 is very cool!

  7. Freehand? Wow. What a fantastic job. If I lived near you, I would pay you to do my nails.

  8. You are soooooooo talented Ithi. I'm sure I've said that a million times before but seriously, you take nail art to the next level. Please make a video of how you do it one day. I would love to see it

  9. Wow this such an amazing Halloween nail art! So cool, very talented and smart idea! Great Job!

  10. This is a spooky nail art and such a lovely work you have done.

  11. Such amazing nail art, looks so perfect for Halloween. I like how detailed they are and you have beautifully done them.

  12. Both are cool. I think I like the first nail design the best because it is nice and colorful. The gray is cool too though.

  13. You are so talented, it's amazing!! ♥

  14. You are so talented and i have said this so many times now. I love the top art the best.

  15. Wow! You are so talented and very creative to do a one of a kind Halloween nail art. So impressive.

  16. They are perfect for Halloween. I bet people will ask you to do their if they knew about your skills :D I know I would ... haha


  17. Your nails turned out amazing! perfect for Halloween.You are really amazing at what you do!! please do my nails!!

  18. You have some crazy nails for Halloween! Fun to customize your nails for the holidays.

  19. Whoa!! You are so creative and talented. That Halloween nail art is so awesome. You are so impressive.

  20. Woah. Those nails look amazing! I'm always so amazed at how intricate designs like this can be! I feel like if I tried, it wouldn't turn out this good.

  21. Angela Ricardo Bethea1 November 2017 at 19:44

    This is so creative and talented work. You did a great job. I always look forward to your blog post because of your gorgeous and seasonal nail art. So impressive.


  23. Stunning as always! I love Hallowe'en manis :-D

  24. Let these in my house? Only if they are on your nails and you come over for a visit ;)
    As usual your painting is awesome but the thing that draw my eye is your base... maybe it's just me but you've been rocking some great bases lately!


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