Freehand Summer Sunset Beach & Hut Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today?

Can you honestly believe we're about to say goodbye to August already? I can hardly believe I've been home for two months already. I truly hope you've made some incredible memories this summer – Are there any particular moments that stand out?

Today in England is a bank holiday and I think we're all going out somewhere nice as its the last holiday before Christmas. Perhaps a day trip to the beach if the weather is allowing.

The weather really hasn't been the stuff that great summers are made of but I have certainly had some really good times. I wanted to create a really relaxed summer scene, this was actually created while I was still in Holland – at the time I contemplated not sharing it as I didn't like the fact I didn't paint any doors or windows.. But I still think its got that chilled island feel. So I'm, sharing it!

What I did really like about this manicure was the colours of the sky against the ocean colours, I love those sort of of vibrant contrasts. Dreamy.

I don't have much to tell you about this manicure but my inspiration certainly stemmed from my longing to go somewhere exotic like the Maldives – If your not sure where this is, Google images, it looks absolutely stunning and what I imagine to be such a relaxing place. I may have two months at home but I feel like I need a holiday, haha.

I used my usual OPI Nail Envy base coat and once dry applied 2 coats of Barry M's 'White' nail polish. I again allowed this to dry and added a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat to create a nice barrier between my polish and acrylic. Finally I topped it all off with my Barry M Matte top coat.

Would you like to visit the destination on my nails? What would be one of your ideal relaxation destinations to visit one day?

Have an awesome day my beauties! Thank you so much as always for visiting and continuing to follow my nail adventures! I'll catch you again on Wednesday



  1. Yes, unfortunately summer past very quickly. Love so much the palm-tree and the whole nail art you painted here. Fantastic one!

    1. Its flown by! I am glad it seems like you got to get out and see some beautiful places! Thank you so much, Andrea!

  2. Can you believe the first place came in my mind after seeing very firsts image of the post was Maldives only. It's such a beautiful place on earth...I just love everything in this manicure especially that dreamy sky and that bridge towards a cottage. You have perfectly captured the mood of Maldives on such a small canvas. As are a genius Ithi...<3

    1. I'm glad it made you think of Maldives too! My sister was lucky enough to go there.. her holiday pictures were so pretty! Thank you so much lovely :)

  3. Ohhhh... I would love to visit that place! All nice and quiet and warm and most of all private because of course there are doors and windows in the cottage, they're just on the other side. I can almost see myself sitting there on the pier, dangling my feet in the nice cool water :)

    1. Hehe, me too, Joyce! I always find it so easy/fun to paint places I'd actually like to be. I'm glad the door and window thing didn't ruin the whole manicure. I felt like it had when I realised, lol. Thank you so much for your kind words :)

  4. Oh, yes, the vibrancy is awesome! So dreamy! I didn't even notice there's no doors/windows -- I just assumed we're seeing the hut from the back. Lovely design!!!! It reminds me of the magical place the queen (Julia Roberts) goes in the movie "Mirror, Mirror". Have you ever seen it?

    1. Thank you darling for your kind words! I've not seen that movie but its going on my list now, I have to see this place you are talking about! :)

  5. It was really hard finding your comment box!

    I have been wanting ombre nails for about a year but no one could seem to do it. It's so wonderful that it's in a bottle. Thank you for showing me this!


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