Freehand Back To School Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
I hope you are all doing wonderfully today, my loves?

Monday was a bank holiday here, so everyone was off of work. We went down to Exmouth in Devon and had a beautiful sea-side day! We went on the beach, paddled in the sea. Had a lunch out, went to the amusement arcades and had ice cream. EVEN ME! I normally have to be so careful about what I eat as my stomach condition is triggered by stress but I've been so much better since I came home.. so even I had an ice cream when I'd normally miss out!

As we polish off August and head into September, what better time to crack out the 'Back to School' nail art?

The final Tiny Canvas for this month is indeed back to school.
Pencil cases replenished, back packs filled. Pencils sharpened and thinking caps on! I decided to combine a few different things for my design, of course all the basic necessities of the classroom and a healthy snack! Are any of my readers heading back to school soon? I hope you will have a fabulous term!

I tried another version of the notebook nail and ended up liking the first one more!

For this manicure I used NYC's 'Velvet Chic' – a gorgeous grey which I thought would suit this manicure perfectly. Being born in England I remember having some fairly hideous grey parts of my school uniform... Namely the plain and unflattering dress that was worn with knee length socks, black shiny patent shoes and a white polo shirt. Of course you can't forget the itchy cardigan in the colour of the school's theme...Green. loved it. Loooooved those ridiculous socks that never stayed up!! NOT.

This manicure didn't look right at all with a glossy top coat but it certainly went well with the matte one!

What is/was your favourite thing about school? Have you done back to school nail art before?

Have a beautiful day, my sweeties. Thank you so much for stopping by! I'll catch you again on Saturday!



  1. I love such school manis, they're so cute!

    1. Thank you so much, darling! The group has had some really lovely designs coming in!

  2. Oh, this looks cute and I'm pretty sure my nieces can relate. My school days are history for so long I pretend I forgot about dragging a backpack with zillion books and binders with me the entire day ;)
    My favorite thing about school was actually the building, an old monastery with high ceilings and quiet stairways (until the hour was done and all h*ll broke loose).

    1. Awwh, hold old is your niece? Yes it feels like a life time ago for me too! Your school sounds very pretty and historic! I can totally remember the hallway chaos at class change over, haha! You just gave me some nostalgia :)

    2. My nieces are 12 and 10 now, but in about three weeks the eldest will be 13. Argh... they grow up too fast! (although I can't wait to see my brother go in full on Neanderthal mode when they bring home a boyfriend for the first time ;)

  3. Great manicure :) When I was at school, we didn`t have uniforms, so I missed this nightmare ;-)

    1. Thank you so much, Gosia! Lucky you not having to wear a uniform!

  4. so cute :) love how to mix different objects. adorable :)

  5. They look awesome! Your freehand manis never fail to amaze me <3
    What I liked most about school.. well, I think that you were able to deal with so many different subjects. There was art, languages, maths, biology etc. I liked most of the subjects and I was sad I had to focus on only one when I got to university. I tend to get bored easily and I wish there were more things I could study and work at.

  6. I can't actually believe you painted these - they look fab! You must have so much patience. My children go back tomorrow and whilst I'm looking forward to it I'm also going to miss them being around! My favourite thing about school, even though it was yonks ago was Art. I loved it, and I did textiles too which was great. Oh and lunch...lunch time was always good ;-)

  7. Oh my! Every single one of your nail posts are AMAZING and a work of art! You are so talented! I am in awe at the freehand work you did on this back-to-school nail art. You nailed it, for sure! :)

  8. You are so talented!! I loved every single nail you did :)

    I would love to be your guest for doing nails :D

  9. I agree with Ana, I am one of your fans as well :D


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