#RememberLiam - Blue & White for Liam

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are doing great.

Today's nail art comes with a more serious backstory. Recently the lovely Dani of Tiny Canvas appealed to TC members to come forward with blue and white manicures with a blue ribbon to raise awareness and support on a cause I just couldn't ignore and many others joined in too all in the hope of shining a light on something so serious that happens far more often than it ever should.

#RememberLiam was created to remember a beautiful little boy who recently and very tragically lost his life due to a drink driver. Liam was only 15 months old and was sadly stolen from life far too soon. My heart goes out to his family and I hope this sweet boy is now in peace.

While having a drink or two is fine... making the decision to get behind a wheel is never ok, no matter how sure you are that you feel fine and in control. It's one thing to put your own life at risk but its another to put at risk everyone you cross. I hope one day it is never possible to start a car while under the influence.
While Liam's tale is so tragic it is not isolated; And its not always just children who are the victim's. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives in the hands of those incapable of making wise decisions, for all the family and friends who had to suffer for such an unnecessary reason. Any drink driving or hit and run victims deserve to be remembered.

The awareness is AGAINST drink driving. FOR organ donation. You can show your support and learn more by finding #RememberLiam on Instagram.

For this post I wont go into product details but if you have any questions you are welcome to ask.
I decided to go for hearts because I wanted to send some love to all those suffering, I know it seems cheesy.. But it felt right for this manicure.

For those wishing to participate and put a manicure forward for the support of Liam and his family,
Please visit @fbtinycanvas on IG where you can learn more.

What do you think of this manicure? Have you done support/awareness nails before, what did you support?

Thank you for visiting, guys! I hope you have a beautiful day, I'll catch you again on Thursday.


  1. What a sad story...
    Eh, pretty mani to the sad story.

  2. So sad to hear that story! You have done a perfect mani! :(

  3. That's so sad, but it's good there're actions like this one to raise awareness... Gorgeous mani!

  4. Beautiful manicure for good cause. My prayers goes to Liam Family. R.I.P

  5. What a sad story :( I think it's great you try to raise the awareness for this problem, it's such unneccessary but dangerous.

  6. Beautiful nails for a beautiful cause

  7. I can only agree with JFloColman: beautiful nails for a beautiful (but oh so sad) cause.

  8. What a beautiful mani for a very sad cause. May his little soul rest in peace!


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