Freehand Star Wars Yoda Nail Art

Allo polish Pals.
How are you all doing today? Did you have an awesome weekend?

I had a fairly quiet one that consisted of a little house work, nail art and yesterday movies! I've still been eating great and working out. Isn't it surprising how little time it actually takes to see a difference?

Today's nail art is inspired again by the weekly challenge over on Tiny Canvas (click to be taken there) where our theme this week was Star Wars. If you were not aware, May 4th is Star Wars day, May 4th... May The 4th be with you, get it?!

I'm really not much of a Star Wars fan, in fact I know very little about it but I wanted to take part none the less! I decided to settle on Yoda since he seems so iconic and everyone will probably recognise him. I also added the 'Death Star'.

This manicure is er... lacking. After trying SO hard with the Yoda I was kinda over the whole thing. It really helps me if I enjoy what I am painting!!

For this manicure I started with a coat of my NYX peel off base coat (ideal for any gel usage!) and once transparent added two coats of Essence's 'Rebel At Heart'. I then used my Born Pretty Store gel top coat (The same one I used for the gold chrome powder recently) and cured it under my UV lamp for around 20-30 seconds. I then decided to rub on some of these beautiful flakies (Also from the Born Pretty Store – review coming soon.) to give it a sort of.. less earlthy effect.

Everything else was painted in acrylic paints with my favourite 'Whatsupnails' and Pure Color brushes.

So guys, are you big Star Wars fans? I personally can't really do anything Sci-fi. Trust me, I want to and I've tried.. but something about it makes my eyes go heavy and zzz.. I also have the same thing with action movies! Too much is happening and it makes me tired, haha.

What do you guys think of my Yoda? Have you done Star Wars nails before?
Don't forget guys, there is only a COUPLE days left to enter my giveaway, if you've not taken part please do! You've got as fairer chance as anyone else to win! :)

Thank you for visiting! Have a beautiful day,


  1. I'm not a big Star Wars Fan, but your nails turned out great, Yoda looks cute :D

  2. Your Yoda is simply AMAZING!!!!

  3. I'm a Star Wars fan, though I'm not nearly as nutty about it as my husband is! Ha ha so I'll be doing a Star Wars look later this week, for "May the Fourth". I love your Yoda- he looks so awesome!

  4. Wow these are incredible! I love Star Wars too!


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