Freehand Nintendo Mario Brother's Nail Art - Mario Day!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope your week is going just the way you want it!

Today's nails are again for the weekly challenge over at Tiny Canvas! The themes are so fun that I want to take part with every single one!

This time our prompt was Mario as March 10th is in fact 'Mario Day'. I bet you didn't know that?! So of course here's my little Italian plumber and friends!

Just FYI.. My dad is a heating engineer/plumber. When I was really young I truly believed he went down pipes and fought goomba's all day after watching the tv show!

For this manicure I used my OPI Nail Envy base coat and began with two coats of Barry M's 'White' polish...which I then proceed to cover with acrylic paint! That's the most descriptive info I've ever given, I'm sorry.

I'm quite happy with how these turned out though, they were super fun to paint and certainly bought up a lot of old memories – another one being the fact my sister is 7 years older than me and we (or she, I think it was actually hers..) had once of those really old grey gameboy's (pixel Mario!) she'd do really well and get to a really high level and either get bored or frustrated and pass it over to me. Of course I was really young and the levels she left me on were super hard so after a second of un-pausing the game I was dead! 

What do you think of this Mario nail art design? Did you play Super Mario Brothers growing up or did you prefer other games?  I don't play games much anymore unless its at friends or at a party etc, but isn't this coincidental timing with the new Switch console coming out?

I hope you enjoyed today's post! Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll be back again on Saturday for more nail art fun. Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments!



  1. This is so so cute


  2. Aahhhh it's so adorable! And it's also adorable that you imagined your dad fighting goombas, lol. I did play Mario as a kid. We didn't have a Nintendo, but my Grandma did, so whenever we had family gatherings my siblings, cousins and I would head down to the basement to play Mario and Donkey Kong for hours while the adults talked politics upstairs. I have so many fond memories of that game.

  3. Ohh that's georgeous! My husband loves Super Mario. I showed him your nails and he said they're so cool :)

  4. Cutesy :) Amazing painting skills!

  5. Haha...Poor young Ithi!I can relate with you. This is such a refreshing mani to see. It has remind me of my childhood days...You did a super Mario(Aw)-some job. Love it! :-)

    1. Aww thank you so much! I believed a lot of weird stuff growing up, haha! Thank you for your kind words :)

  6. So cute!!
    I've never played Super Mario (or any other Mario version for that matter) and even now that I can actually buy them if I wanted to, I don't play many games. Big exception is Diablo III which is great for getting rid of some frustrations (I mean, running around as a huge Barbarian, carrying an ginormous hammer and smashing everything in sight... you've got to love that :D )

  7. What a great manicure you've done!! It is genial! =)

  8. I love playing Mario when I was kid. Certifiably remind me of my childhood. YOu manicure turned out fantastic :)

  9. WOW, these are amazing! I used to play Mario all summer long as a kid, so these have a special place in my heart :)

  10. Ooh la la that's amazing! Great details ♥


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