Cake Puff Water Decals - Born Pretty Store. PT .2

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you've been having a great weekend?
Its been odd here, very upside down and all over the place. Its been hard to paint and when I have I have not been amused with my results.

Hopefully this week coming I will be able to focus a little easier and I can enjoy painting at my new desk/painting corner.. Which I said I would show you so I will at the end of the post!

Today I am showing you a manicure which is actually part of a two piece water decal set from the Born Pretty Store. These are 'Cake Puff Water Decals'. I wont review it as such since I already reviewed the other half of the sheet but I thought I'd show you the design in use. To see the previous review I did just click here. 

Oh.. and this is with my longer nails! I like where I am at now, I'm staying at the length I am since the goldfish bowl nails!

This second design has smaller cupcakes and polka dots, I think its really cute but I personally prefer the other pattern. That said it mimicked the previous one and in terms of application I had no real struggles.
So for this second design I decided to go a little more extreme by created a 3D ball with gel polish. I cured it and then painted on top to make it look like a lollipop.

I've been having some real fun learning about gel polish recently. Its not as scary as I first thought!

Overall I like this set of decals because there are so many ways you could pair these – I know thats generally the case with water decals but don't you agree these are pretty fun?

So let me tell you about my painting corner situation! When I first moved to Holland I didn't really have a good set up at all, I was just making do with the best I could which in the beginning was a cardboard box and a chair. I'd sit on the chair with my feet between the mattress and the bed to keep the move steady and would have to hope I didn't spill anything!

After that Mr Bravo fashioned a desk out of my nail polish boxes and some wood. It was certainly an improvement and I was so glad to upgrade from the back breaking box – not to mention more than half of the surface was taken up by my laptop.

Then this week... Mr Bravo's dad totally surprised me by buying me a beautiful desk. I am so happy, everything has its place, its easy for me to get to my things, to have enough space and take pictures properly (previously I was putting my yoga mat on the bed, light box on top.) so I am really pleased and can't wait to sit down this week to paint something!
I've enjoyed hearing about how and where you guys like to paint, if you didn't share please do!

I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday, thank you for visiting. I'll catch you again on Tuesday!


  1. Ooohh 3-D effects! I keep seeing tutorial videos on youtube for the "goldfish bowl" technique that apparently is trending right now. I really like how you used it to make your lollipop 3-D here! Clever idea!

  2. Yeah, it's much more easier to have a desk. The lollipop is brilliant!

  3. Oh wow, what a lovely corner you have got yourself now. Congrats! ♥

  4. Your mani looks so cute and yummy! And I love the purple base polish, so beautiful :)
    Your new painting desk looks great, it must be awesome to have a place only for painting where everything has it's space! I'm using the little table in front of my sofa. It's ok but it's so low.. my back always hurts after painting and it's annoying to always have to tidy up all the things after painting.

  5. I haven't tried gel yet... I love the 3D lollipop here! It goes nicely with the decals :) I paint my nails at my desk... My laptop has many little flicks of nail polish on it now haha

  6. love them can i lick ur lolly pop it looks yummy

  7. OMG... you got dragged over to the gel side of things too?
    I'm still trying to stay as far away from gel polish as I can, as I expect to go bankrupt with all the lovely colors and new things I simply have to get once I try it myself ;)
    Your new workplace looks great! (love that bear-lamp :)

  8. Those decals are adorable and you nail art is amazing! I thought it was a 3D nail accessory at first!

  9. Those are wonderful decals and that 3d lollipop is epic. Love your new painting corner. Can't wait to see your new creations. :-)


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