Flying To England Nail Art - Canadian Geese

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a fantastic week so far :)

I've got a little announcement! (and its not the only one!) On Friday I'll be flying back home to England to spend some time with my family. There's so much more to tell you. The past few weeks there has been a lot going on but I think I am going to update you on all that in Saturday's post.

Today though you can see how I am choosing to travel home this time! In case you are new to the blog, on my previous travels back home I've travelled by.. hanging onto an aeroplane, I sat on a whale, I flew on a magic carpet and most recently I went by submarine.

This time I decided it was time for some more sky fun!

I actually have two version of this manicure to share with you since I didn't like the first one.. However I didn't like the thumb on the second version. I'm really hard to please, huh?

The only polishes I used for this manicure are OPIs 'Nail Envy' base coat, Barry M's 'White' for my clean blank canvas and my Pro-FX top coat to seal everything in. Everything else was created with my fave Whatsupnails brush and my acrylic paints.

I have enjoyed painting all these travelling nails so far. Which one did you like best?

Which version do you guys like best? Are there any countries you'd like to go to?

Thank you for stopping by today!
Have a beautiful day my friends, I'll catch you on Saturday and I'll explain what's been going on.



  1. What a great manicure sweetie! I'm so happy you'll back home...I've to wait to the end of the next month to go back home in Italy...uff!!
    A big hug

    1. Thank you so much, Zauberin! :D I hope you'll have a fantastic time back home in Italy - another country I'd love to visit one day! :D

    2. Yeah, you have to. Concerning me I've never been in England too!;D

  2. Absolutely gorgeous nail art, as usual! I wish you a safe and happy trip!

  3. Beautiful mani :) Enjoy your stay in England! There are so many coutries I would like to visit, but not enough time and money ;-)

    1. Gosia, thank you so much! I know how you feel, wouldn't it be fun to make a holiday wish list with unlimited funds and time?! I think my list would keep growing!

  4. Holy cow! I can't believe the details on this manicure!

  5. OMG! This is my 1st time seeing this series and I just love your creativity! I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite as they are all so brilliantly detailed! I hope your enjoy your trip Ithi!

    1. Thank you SO much for your kind words, Karolyn!

  6. You just wow me again and again with each post you make. <3 I'd love to go to Finland, I consider it heaven on Earth :D

    1. Aww thank you, sweetie that is such a lovely comment! :D Finland does look gorgeous!!

  7. Beautiful manicure (as always)!
    I wouldn't take a goose to get there (as there are no places to make a quick stop for the poor thing) but I would love to visit New Zealand and Australia one day and, closer to home, Iceland.

  8. The detail is incredible and the sky is gorgeous!


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