Freehand Brontosaurus Dinosaur Nail Art!!

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a wicked start to the weekend!
Today's nail art is a little hit and miss, I created this for Tiny Canvas's (Best nail community on Fcebook, everyone is so nice! Its a great place to make naily friends) weekly challenge.

This theme was for dinosaurs, I don't think I've ever done dinosaurs before so I thought I'd give it a bash! Unluckily I scraped my nail just as I was about to take pictures and it took out a chunk of my dino's tale.. Matte top coat seemed to disguise it a little!!
Yo Norman, that volcano don't be lookin' too friendly, like.
For this manicure I began with my base coat of Mezmris Nail Lacquer, which dries almost instantly. Seriously, I love how fast I can move on since my base is usually white and I need to get on to the freehand! I then use two coats of Barry M's 'White'. I then used my Pro-FX top coat to create a barrier (Why? Who knows. I can't say there's any specific science behind my actions.) I then used my fave brushes and acrylic paints to create the scene. I finished off with Mezmris Nail Lacquer's Armor top coat and then applied the matte from Wet 'N' Wild which totally saved the day!

I feel like I was abit sloppy with with background, I was very distracted on this day.. I tried! I also wanted a badass dino on my thumb but I sort of bottled out, maybe next time... But it was fun to do and a new experience!

If you are ever looking to challenge yourself the weekly challenges at Tiny Canvas are great, its not mandatory to enter but having different themes and prompts can put you out of your comfort zone and in turn you might surprise yourself!

What do you guys think about my dinosaur nails? Have you had dinosaur nails before?

Have a beautiful weekend my friends, Lets catch up on Monday, bright eyed and bushy tailed!


  1. I wish I was so talented in freehand. This dinosaur is gorgeous!

  2. Oh, that's a great idea to paint a dinosaur, I love it :D

  3. Ohhhhh these are AWESOME!
    I think these nails are one of my favourites from you this year, you did a great job!

  4. It's almost as if that dino is waving at us.
    You definitely created a way nicer picture than Jurassic Park shows of dinosaurs :)

    Btw. I've been staring at the pictures, trying to find that messed up tail but your matte top coat did a great job at hiding it because I can't find it!

  5. Oh wow, that's spectacular. I'm seriously impressed, it's super cool!


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