Beautiful Chinese Ink Flower Decals - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that were provided for me to review, however I will as ever give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals
How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a fabulous weekend so far! I can't say too much of mine, its consisted of a lot of green tea going on my sore eye to help make it better – I am undergoing a really strict eye routine right now. I wake up and cleanse my eyes with baby shampoo and hot water. I'm doing hot green tea compresses and salt water many times through the day. My eyes have been giving me hell for too long so I am really on an attack mission with all these natural ways because the doctors both here and in Holland have been hopeless! Fingers cross I am better next week and can do more freehand nail art.

Today I have some really cute decals to share with you; These are 'Beautiful ChineseInk Flower Water Decals' from The Born Pretty Store.

I initially picked this set of water decals because I thought the flowers looked very small and pretty, I could imagine such a delicate looking manicure! The flowers come in different shapes and sizes and contain pink, purple, blue flowers and some small green petals. They have a very delicate look to them which makes me think of a beautiful silk painting.

  There are so many on the sheet that I could get so many uses out of    them – you don't have to wear them on every nail as I have but they would make for a really elegant looking accent nail. Even those I used quite a few (and a previous manicure before this one which didn't pan out well) I have tons left. I think my sister will love these on her nails when I next visit home!

I decided to wear mine over Catrice's 'Bel-Air' with 'Matt & More' on top to give a dewy matte look. I then placed some decals on top and proceeded to try and create some flowing connecting lines with white acrylic paint. I sealed it all together with my Pro-FX top coat.

What do you think of these delicate flower decals? What types of decals are your favorite to wear?
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, be lazy and recharge your batteries! I'll catch you again on Tuesday for some more nail experiments!



  1. Ohhhh, these look so pretty! The base you used, the connecting swirlies... love it! I've never tried decals myself but I find myself drawn to the florals every time I browse BPS
    (keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed your eyes are going to get better very soon)

  2. The flowers are cute :) I hope you will get better soon!

  3. Hi Ithi! Hows you? Hope you are feeling better! I love those decals! The way you are wearing it is looking so pretty! <3

  4. I need these decals, they looks so delicate and pretty. Lovely outcome!

  5. The decals are so pretty! They are perfect for such a delicate manicure!


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