Freehand Rainbow Forest Nails

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you had an awesome weekend? Did you do anything fun?

I attended my four year old nephews 4th birthday party. It was...noisy. 10X 4 year olds makes for quite an afternoon but everyone had a fun time and I enjoyed seeing him running around with all his little friends.

In other news I am still job hunting – not much to say there but I actually really miss working. I enjoyed the buzz and meeting customers, hopefully something will come up soon. In the mean time I am working hard on blog posts and trying to get my two month ahead routine back on track.

For my US readers, just a heads up there's an awesome giveaway going on over at Barielle where you can win $600+ worth in nail polish.

Right. Shall we have a slice of nail art now? These were created sometime last year, hence my small stubby nails. I initially wasn't going to post these but once again I decided to just go with it and see what you guys thought.

Ya know what? I'm not sure what it is about it I don't really like – normally if I create something I don't like I'll try and figure out what I could have done to improve it in a positive way but I guess this just didn't look how I had imagined it in my head.

That said I guess it could be worse. I liked the idea of a rainbow over a waterfall even if it looks rather cartoonish. I feel like the last part of the year I started painting in a certain way and that's kind of trapped me into creating similar looking designs – I'm not sure if that's called personal style or just a rut.

So what do you guys think of this nail art? What type of landscapes would you like to see me paint next?

So what do you guys think of this nail art? What type of landscapes would you like to see me paint next?

Thank you so much for visiting, I hope you have an awesome day, don't forget to come and say hi in the comments! Take care and I'll see you again on Wednesday!



  1. Hello dear. I wish you all the best for this new year. I like this nail art, especially the waterfall and all that is on the tips of your nails. I am sorry to hear that your seeking for a new job, I hope soon your dream-job will apear. Good look!

  2. Awww Ithi, I'm sorry the job didn't work out. That's a bummer but I'm sure you'll find something soon. How about painting a desert scene with stark silhouettes or maybe something from the wild west, with a rickety saloon and a cowboy and his horse walking into the sunset?

  3. OMG you are very talented. I love how you did the water lillies. How long does it take to do nails like that? Unfortunately my nails are too short for art like this. Best of luck on the job hunting! It is a hard time of the year to be job hunting!

  4. amazing! have you thought about doing like an underwater landscape? could be interestung, I think :)

  5. Every time I come across a post of yours it makes me almost cry a little that I can not have my nails done! I love your designs! someday when I retire from being a pianist/massage therapist I am coming back to these for ideas!

  6. Hey, I love your nails! I would love to see some galaxy or milkyway pattern of the nails, haha. Or maybe some winter design with the snow flakes. Wow a party full of children, must haven been really loud. Have a great week and enjoy your time!

  7. This a very unique look. You are so artistic... I would be doing good to do a few lines and some dots. (lol)

  8. Love those water lilies and cat 'n nines!!! This is so detailed, it're really lovely sweetie. As always, I'm in awe of both your painting and your blogging dedication. I'm trying to switch over to having designs ahead of posting - it's hard. ;) Good luck on the job search, I'm sure you'll find the right thing.

  9. The rainbow over the waterfall does looks great to me. Love the overall color composition and the finish, so creative as always. Wishing you all the best for the job hunt!

  10. Good luck with your job search! I know it can be really frustrating. I like the details in this design; the stars in the sky & the gold flecks on the trees. A mountain range could be a cool nail design. Or a beach scene. 🙂

  11. I actually like the design. I agree that the rainbow might not be the best, but it is still impressive! Maybe next time you can create a landscape with a river passing through a field and fish swimming in it?

  12. I would love to see some beautiful forest nail art next..this is also so beautiful!

  13. Can you paint mountains? I think it would interested to see this in nail art.

  14. what the heck thats so amazing

  15. I’m always so blown away by your talent and designs! They are incredible and I think it’s natural to be your own worst critic too! How about a desert type scene.... sand dunes, cactus, camels... a hot sun? 😜

  16. I'm always amazed at how intricate your nail designs are. These look spectacular!!

  17. This is so beautiful! and so detailed! everything is there! you are so talented, really! good luck with the job search!

  18. Your nails look so magical!! I'm on the job hunt too, good luck to you!!

  19. I can only imagine how your nephews party was! hehe. And good luck on the job hunt! Love the nails.

  20. Yes, I had a great weekend. About the job, I'm sorry for that but I do hope you find your it soonest. BTW, that was such a gorgeous nail art! Since the Love Month is just around the corner, why not try to make Eiffel tower?

  21. Your rainbow forest nail art looks really impressive. You are so creative and talented on doing art like this.

  22. I was looking and wondering what the black chunk when I realised that I have looked between the tree trunks into the black sky! Haha... I like the waterfall! It's so realistic~

  23. I'm sorry the hear about job didn't work out. I'm sure you'll find something soon. By the way, your rainbow forest nails looks really impressive. You are so creative dear. You really impressed me on your nail works. and I want yo to next the Paris inspired nail art, looking forward to seeing it.


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