Nicole Diary Water Decal Review Pt. 4

*This post contains an item(s) which have been sent for reviewing purpose however I will always provide my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are we all doing today? I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and start to the new week. Can you believe we one day away from being in June?! Crazy! Hopefully I can start making plans to go home and visit my family in the next month or so.

Today I have part four of my Nicole Diary water decal reviews – there will be one more final post after this. I've had a really great experience with these decals so far. I have enjoyed their wide range of patterns and styles, you have to agree they are all so different from each other!
Nicole Diary are offering IthinityBeauty readers a free gift worth upto $5 when you order from either their Amazon / Alliexpress store. Just add the code 'ITH2016' to your order notes!

First we have 'Nicole Diary 04' beautful and simple looking floral pattern. I love the colour combination of mustard yellow flowers and burgundy. I feel like these make me think of sort of... a chic look. Does that make any sense? Probably not. I just feel there's something very sweet and charming about the colour combination and pattern. I decided to pair these with an accent nail of Barry M's 'Mustard' and a 'Jodie-Bow' (Aptly named after the kind friend who sent them to me!)

This second pattern, 'Nicole Diary -13' is sooo entirely different. I personally wasn't quite sure how I wanted to wear them. One side of the decal has a dark version of the pattern and the other side is a light pattern. Mr Bravo urged me to face my dark side. These decals are very solid, I don't think you can even guess I am wearing a medium bright green underneath! I paired this manicure with an accident nail of Zoya's 'Charla', a circular sequin and added some very small Model's Own 'Artstix' golden beads. If I am honest I probably like these the least but that's just my personal preference. I can't remember the last time I had green nails that wasn't grass in a freehand manicure!

Don't forget Nicole Diary are on Instagram too, you can see how other nail artists wear their decals!

Which of these manicures/water decals did you like the most? How do you wear decals – with accents or all nails? I personally love the first set!

Have a beautiful day my friends, thank you for visiting and I'll catch you again on Thursday!


  1. Wow for the Zoya! Lovely manis.

    1. Thank you, A.notcopyacat! I know, right?! I don't have many Zoya's but I've always adored this one. Sadly the bottle is nearly out but I'd totally buy it again one day.

  2. Wow!!! They are sooo pretty. Love those decals too.

  3. Both decal sets and manis look so great, I really can't decide which one I prefer!

  4. Beautiful combination!
    I love flowers!


  5. I really like the floral decals :) I like how you found a matching mustard yellow too!

  6. I especially like the first pattern and you used the perfect shade on your ring-finger nail!

  7. Ahh that floral pattern, as I said on you IG! It's a love at first sight! <3

  8. these are gorgeous and I love how you styled them!


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