Fish, Fish, Pudding! Freehand Penguin Nails + announcement

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today? Tell me, is it scorching hot where you live? It's been pretty hot here in Holland and all I day dream about is jumping into a beautiful topical sea somewhere exotic! - Its not likely to happen any time soon but I did decide to at least cool my nails down with these cheeky penguins!The inspiration originally came from THIS pin.

I really need to say some stuff... Alot happened in the last week. My life is upside down. I can't not share it with you... Cos this is my 'home' too.

For this manicure I began with two coats of Rimmel's 'Bestival Blue' and added Miss Sporty '2277' glitter with a dab of Zoya's 'Maisie' here and there. Once dry I created everything else with my Oumaxi acrylic paints and bamboo brush.

While I'm 'sort of' happy with this manicure I wish the chicky was cuter and also that I had just drawn fish above the penguins heads, in my opinion the messy writing really lets it down!

Still, it helped me feel cooler for a while! 

Please read blogger friends: I'll be flying to England  short notice from Tuesday 18th
I was scared to talk about the personal things in life in much depth, I feel like my blog is going down hill the more I update on 'life' stuff which is understandable... I don't want bore you guys or just say sad stuff to you. But what I do have to do is explain what's gone on in the past week, so at least you can see why I am not keeping up with things such as commenting. My Granddad passed last Friday, it was what I was dreading ever since we came home from the last visit. When I last left my family in England the plan was for me and Mr Bravo to go back in September for his 100th Birthday... When my mum called to tell me he had gone I was devastated of course. I didn't have the financing myself to get back home for the funeral. It was so impossible at the time I received the call. This plagued me with extreme guilt and I knew if I wasn't there it would be something I would always feel bad for. My mum is the 'tough kind' – she never takes a day off work, she is always so calm, she is just like my Granddad – but even those people need a break and I desperately wanted to be back to help her out in anyway I could. Emotional support more than anything...

Thanks to my Partner, Mr Bravo and my amazing Sister in law they made it possible. The word gratitude is just NOT enough to describe how thankful I am to both of them. Mr Bravo and I could not both go, It wasn't possible – If you've ever booked short notice flights then I hope you can see why! He sacrificed a lot for me to go alone, which wont be easy on both of us to be apart -we're just not used to being apart!

But I'll get to say goodbye to a man that was always smiling, a man who always asked how I was doing even when I wasn't able to visit. A man who really took care of his family and loved his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

What do you think of my penguin nails? Do you feel like plunging into a nice cool pool?!

Have a beautiful day,




  1. I'm really sorry for your loss and I'm not bored or annoyed when you share such things. that's life and it influences us and our art. it's very brave to share this, because I can image this is really hard! hopefully all goes well with your journey and the funeral... oh my, it's really hard to find the right words, i hope you don't find them stupid...

    btw, the nail art is really nice :)

    1. Thank you so much, Frankie. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I just worry posting things like this makes people feel a little too doom and gloom, I am glad I mentioned it so people know why I am not commenting as normal. Thank you, again xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Penguins are cute and great done. I'm really sorry for your granddad... I don't have any of them, both died.

  4. Oh Ithi, I'm so sorry! It sounds like a really tough situation with all the flying back and forth... I'm so glad you got the chance to go to England though! It's never a bore to read about personal stuff, honestly, I'm interested in what my blogger friends do and how they feel. So even if it's bad news, please share if you feel like it because it might make you feel better.

  5. i am so sad to hear bad are my friend and you dont boring me
    i am sorry for your loss, and Mr bravo and his sister are your support and your family.thanks they helped you , to say last goodbye to your grandpa! hug hug dear ITHI
    i love your free hand penguins
    take care , dear !

  6. No worries -- sharing personal stuff is completely natural for your blog, and I definitely don't mind reading it! I'm so sorry about your granddad, and the traveling troubles. When my grandfather passed, I had to fly from the U.S. to Taiwan for the funeral on short notice. It's really tough to have to think about the practical stuff while grieving. On the brighter side, your penguins are flawless! I thought they were decals at first! Best of luck with everything!

  7. So sorry for your loss. Last minute flights are really expensive. I'm glad to hear you made it work so you could attend the funeral.

    Great job on the penguin nails they are very cute!

  8. I am sorry for your loss :( But at last you did manage to ateend the funeral and had your last goodbyes.

    As Always your freehand is extremely wonderful. penguins are so adorable (:

  9. Wow those penguins look so adorable on your nails great work on this mani!

  10. This is such a fantastic and creative work. Love the penguin on your middle finger a lot, the details are amazing!
    I am so sorry about your loss, I know you really wanted to celebrate your Grandads 100th Birthday on September. Always share your personal thought's with us here, they are not boring!

  11. Your nails are AMAZING as always!

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather :( I am sure he lived an amazing live full of love and happiness. One day in the future you will get to see him again :) That is wonderful that you have such a loving and supportive family and that you were able to go home. You and your family are in my thoughts. And NEVER feel bad about sharing your life on your blog. If you want to express yourself that is what your blog is for. If people don't like it they don't have to read it!

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. Personal stuff don't bore me so if you want to share something on your blog just do it.
    Your penguins are so pretty and adorable!! :D

  13. Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss, it's a really tough situation... I hope things will get better for you, fingers crossed! :)
    The penguins are so pretty <3


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