'Holographic Shell Nail Art Stickers' - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing however I will give my full and honest opinion, as always.

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? Can you believe it is almost the weekend already? I've been a really good girl this week, walking outside at least 4 miles each day, and of course all the regular walking around the house doing 'house stuff'. I feel good for it, the sun makes me a much happier person!

Today I have some 'Holographic Shell Nail Art Paper' to share with you, these are from The Born Pretty Store.

The holo is lovely when in the light - sorry I didn't capture it so good! You'll see better examples below.

This beautiful holographic shell paper comes in a little plastic packet with a card flip covering. They come in varying holographic colours including black, red, gold, blue and silver which is what I will be showing you today.

The shell paper contains a beautiful prism of colour and is incredibly sticky. It can also tear easy so its best to plan ahead on how you want to wear this. I gently lifted a corner off of the backing card using my pointy tweezers and from there cut off a fairly generous section, this way I could cut the tiny triangles from there. I would say that is 100% much easier than cutting tiny triangles and then trying to peel the stickers off (yeah.. totally didn't do that at first *scoff*) I found that they were really thin and lay nicely to the nail bed - unlike angel paper you wont get any/many corners that stick up and just wont lie flat. I didn't have any issues with them peeling off and I was surprised by how smooth on the nail they felt. Of course wearing a top coat will keep them on your nails longer however I chose not to as I know I change my nails so often.

The back side of the packaging gives clear and simple instructions on how to remove the stickers once you want to change your manicure. 

The instructions are as follows:
“1.Use nail polish remover to remove top coat,or peel sticker from edge slowly to avoid tearing.
.When sticker glue remains on the nails could be removed by soap suds or alcohol.”

But if I am honest I really had little trouble removing them – I've had some stickers that have left me scrubbing and almost in tears with frustration before!

I decided to do like a glass shard type manicure by adding slithers and triangles over NYC's 'Tribeca Style' – a roaring red. I quite liked the manicure and I like how the colours look when the light hit my nails. I am also pleased with these stickers, the amount on the sheet is quite generous, so I know I may be using little pieces here and there for accents or as a simple way to jazz up a manicure quickly.

What do you think of this glassy nail art? Are you a fan of using nail stickers?

Have a beautiful day, I'll catch you on Saturday!


  1. It's good to hear that pleasing weather is energizing you. :-) What a fun and funky mani is this! I think this look suits for any occasion. You did a fantastic job! <3

  2. Well, at least this works :) I like the outcome of your nail art!

  3. Honestly, I don't use stickers often... I see you had a lot of work but the placing is really very good.

  4. I'm much happier when it's sunny too! :) I really like the glass shard look you created here! I've never tried stickers before

  5. The sun also is shining here in Denmark these days a,d yesterday it was warm - so yes, spring and summer is the best for me too!
    I think this mani is very cool!

  6. Really special manicure! Did you enjoy the almost summer like weather yesterday? I spend a lovely lazy day in the garden, just sitting there soaking up the sun (and totally neglecting any chore that needed to be done ;)

  7. I love the glass shards took!


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