Shamrock Happy St. Patrick's Day Nail Art - Freehand

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today? Happy St. Patrick's day to you all! Will any of you be celebrating today? I personally wont be; I wish I had Irish friends who I could join in with! Either way I love learning about holidays and how people wish to spend them! Of course there will be the abundance of green, rainbowy shamrock filled nail art and manicures all across the blogisphere and the internet, I couldn't help but join in!

Did you know... Apparently St. Patrick is not actually Irish, he was Welsh!

A quick google search also taught me that...

Every year the Irish leader hands a crystal bowl filled with shamrock to the US President. They are originally grown in Kerry and is immediately destroyed by the Secret Service after the exchange.... What the?!! Well, I certainly didn't know that..Did you?!...Is that even true?!

For this manicure I began with two coats of Barry M's 'Cardamon' for a clean base and followed through with two coats of Picture Polishes 'Phshiiit'. I then took my acrylics and began to paint a rainbow with a very fine striping brush. I added a few shamrocks on my nails and outlined them with black (why can't I just leave things alone?!) I finished off with a few gold dots and my Pro-FX top coat.

It didn't come out entirely as I had hoped but it was still fun to do!

Are you rocking any St.Patrick's inspired nails? Will you be doing anything fun to celebrate?

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Aww, no I didn't know that! You never stop learning, if that's actually true :D
    By the way, your mani is gorgeous. I really love it! Pshiiit is definitely a perfect canvas for your work <3
    I did something, but it's definitely not rocking XD

  2. We don't celebrate it here. Cute mani :)Love these raibows :)

  3. Lovely mani Ithi! I wore a green dress and green eyeshadow today, but that's pretty much the only thing I did to celebrate... I was going to do some nail art but I was so tired yesterday so I only ended up painting my nails with a green polish!

    Haha, seems like a waste of shamrock to let Secret Service destroy it like that!

  4. That is absolutely gorgeous, Rainbows!! I love it! :)

  5. what a festive look, I love it!

  6. Love it! Love the color combos and love the design as well. You really nailed it. Great job!!!

  7. What a wonderful mani! Loveee it! We never celebrate St.Patrick's day...But someday I would love to recreate these mani of yours with your kind permission! ^_^

  8. Wow, the rainbow, and the shamrocks, it all looks so perfect together <3

  9. Such a fun mani for St Patty's day :) I did a simple green and gold dotticure for St Patty's... I don't have your freehand skills!

  10. Very cute! I like so much the rainbow and the shamrocks over it!!

  11. Your nails are totally ready for a party :)


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