Freehand Valentines Day Teddy Bears

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? Happy Valentine's day to you all!  Mwah!
Are you celebrating today or are you feeling Anti-Valentine'sy ? I personally don't make that much of a big deal out of it, I don't think we'll be doing much. Don't get me wrong, I like romance but I also don't think it should just be showered with on one 'special day'. I'm actually probably more excited that the walking dead is returning, ha! Whatever you guys do have a great Sunday!

Anyway, I've got some lovey dovey cuddly teddy bears for you today!This was inspired by *this* pin.

I still had my broken nail here, on my index finger you can see a little bump on the side - that will be my life saving tea bag lurking underneath. I've managed to grow it out though, it was right below the free edge and now I've managed to file it out - wahoo! Five weeks of consistency.

For this manicure I only used Barry M's 'White' and created my freehand bears entirely with acrylic paints and my trusty bamboo and detailing brush. I decided this certainly looked better with a matte top coat!

What do you think of my freehand bears? Do you have any plans for the day of lurrrve?

Have a lovely day!



  1. OMG, Ithi! I could have sworn these are decals. You are such a talented artist. These are the cutest Valentine nails I have come across!

    1. Thank you so much, Firegirl! They were hard work, I was pretty sick at the time and was so glad when I'd finished the last bear, haha! Thank you for your kind words :)

  2. I love this mani, it's gorgeous!
    I have the same opinion about Valentines like you.

    1. Thank you so much, A.notcopyacat! Glad to know I am not alone in that! xx

  3. I love teddy bears and in fact I still sleep with my teddy bear :P Cute nail arts! Love it :)

    P.S: Join my pre-Spring giveaway and win a pair of sunglasses of your choice.

    Oh Dear Bumblebees

  4. These bears are soooo cute, love them!

  5. This is so adorable and sweet!! <3
    Great job!!! :D

  6. Aww so cute. Its brilliant. your freehand design are always so beautiful and perfect :D

  7. OMG!!! This is definitely the cutest and sweetest teddy bear nails ever!!! :D They look sooo cuddly and just look so PERFECT!! AWESOME job Ithi! I LOVE them SO much!! Mwah <3 xxxx

  8. The most adorable nail art I have ever seen!

  9. Too cute! :)
    *keeps fingers crossed this comment won't be eaten by het mobile as the other ones she tried to leave earlier *

  10. This is ADORABLE, I love it! <3 And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I wish I had freehand skills like yours!

    I'm not that fond of Valentine's Day, I agree with you, you don't need a special day for romance! So me and my boyfriend spent V-Day in front of separate computer screens playing Fallout 4 lol, nothing like a little post-apocalyptic RPG to celebrate love ;D

  11. Oh my gosh, these bears are just too cute <3

  12. I seriously thought you used decals! I still can't believe how good you are at freehanding!

  13. Your freehand is again, flawless. It does remind me of decals because you did such a good job.


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