Thinking Pink - Breast Cancer Awareness 2015

Allo polish Pals,

How are you doing today? I hope your are having a dandy start to the new week? Its change, change, change for me - I'm in week 3 of being smoke free but now we are back in Holland I miss the solidarity I had with my Mum who gave up at the same time. I've not been tempted though! Maybe you guys can be my online supportive mummies? I kid, I kid. Its too much hard work. :)

Today we are going to have a more serious matter on the agenda. Breast cancer. As you guys are probably well aware, it is breast cancer awareness month but in all honesty it is something we should be talking about more, all year round. It may seem embarrassing to talk about boobs for some of us, but we shouldn't be shy, we are all the same, as different as we all are.

I want to send love to those who may have lost their battle with cancer, those who are currently fighting but also, and just as importantly I believe we should be educating our younger females. Its a harrowing fact that most of us will have an experience with cancer some way in our lives (I have a couple ladies up in the stars I pay tribute to) but keeping strong and knowing support is there can make a big difference. Knowing how to correctly check ourselves and knowing our own bodies is so important because the faster we can detect changes in our breasts the bigger our chance we have to beat it. There is great information here on how to check for yourselves.

For my pink ribbon cancer awareness nail art I used one simple polish, Cartice's 'Bel-Air' and created the rest with acrylic paints. I sealed it all in with Catrice's gel effect top coat

If you would like more information and support about breast cancer, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and more you can visit 'Breast Cancer Care' – but if you have concerns always go to your doctor as soon as you possibly can.

I hope you have a great day,


  1. Truly awesome....Love the way you designed this mani. :-)

    1. Aww thanks, Nailfame! :) It actually happened quite randomly, I didn't really plan it out like I usually do! xx

  2. Very nice mani for a great cause :)

  3. Really great mani for a great cause :-D

  4. Beautiful mani Ithi, and for a great cause!

  5. I love the design! Great cause too :)

  6. Fantastic nail design and as I always say, the message behind it is the most important!
    Love how the gradient adds dimension to this mani, very well done!

  7. These are beautiful! Congrats on 3 weeks, you can do it!!

  8. They are beautiful and it's awesome that you've engaged in such a great cause :)


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