Pretty In Pinky Polka Dots

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope you are having a great weekend? Tell me something random about it! I can tell you that compared to the list of things I wanted to achieve.. I practically got nothing done! But I'm ok with it, I didn't have a freak out about my lack of productivity. I'll make it up today with lots of housework and a swatch-a-thon. Or a freehand design. Who knows! Yesterday they were painting the whole downstairs so I was pretty much confined to the bedroom on the third floor, the perfect painting opportunity! But I just didn't have it in me.

Here's something positive that happened to me last week: I got back into working out and I didn't die  (I took a break when my eye was very bad as it affected me alot and the whole England thang)- Yeah, I can do this!

Today I have a really simple and girly manicure to share with you.
For this manicure I began with three coats of Catrice's 'Love Affair in Bel Air' and created a gradient by sponging on Barry M's 'White'. Next I created my bows with acrylic paint and added polka dots to all the nails with my dotting tool. Finally I added some gleequins...glequins? And a stud to my other nails. See, really simple nail art!

What do you think of my girly nails? Do you prefer 3D bows to stick on such as studs or stickers, or hand drawn bows?

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Lovely! I think I prefer drawn ribbons. My week wasn't easy...

  2. What a romantic manicure *__*

  3. It looks very girly and beautifu! <3

  4. Great mani, so pretty and delicate :-D

  5. Really cute mani! I haven't done anything this weekend, just spamming nail blogs all over the place, eating some candy, spending time with my bf. Just chill'n. :D
    Did today's nail yesterday though, but I know what you mean. Some days are just not "paint days", even if the time is there. Gotta be in the mood to do it too. :)

  6. It's gorgeous even though I personally am not a fan of baby pink. The bows you painted are awesome. You are a Master of freehand designs!
    I didn't get much done this weekend too because of my sprained ankle, but I'm feeling better today and managed to bake an awesome and yummie Apple & Almond cake! We ate half of it already... (Yes, only me and my fiancée! 😃) And I don't regret a single bite!
    xo, Pia

  7. The handpainted bows are incredible, I can't believe how real they look! And the whole mani is so pretty, it would be a perfect baby girl mani :D
    I know how it feels about planning a billion things to do during the week-end and doing none haha! I could write a book on that!

  8. Love the girly touch of this mani. In the gel nail technique this one is called baby boomer :))
    We painted my daughter's room last week, and I am exhausted and of course I broke down 3 of my nails and on top of everything I caught a cold :( Have a great day and week dear!

  9. Cute baby pink color. The bows are a perfect match for this manicure. ;)

  10. This is so delicate and beautiful!


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