Colourful Freehand Flower Doodles

Allo polish Pals,
How are we all doing today? I landed in England lastnight around 9.20pm with a 30-40 minute drive home. Tomorrow I'll be attending my Grandad's funeral. I'm not going to lie, I am finding it hard without Mr Bravo. After Thursday I'll try and get back into a better pattern with my commenting.
Today I have a manicure inspired by THIS beautiful pin I found on Pinterest. Don't forget to check out that folder, it's where I put things that people might find inspiring for nail art!

It's a bit of a mess, isn't it? Be honest! I had hoped for a much more delicate looking manicure.

For this manicure I began with two coats of Barry M's 'White' and once dry... began to paint freehand! I'm afraid I can't tell you much more than that! I used my Oumaxi paints and my beloved bamboo brush. I finished up by adding a coat of Catrice's top coat.

Pretty simple.. ya?

What do you think of my doodle flowers? Have you tried to copy a pattern like this before?

Have a fabulous day my friends, thank you for your support in the past couple of weeks. You guys are seriously wonderful and deserve so much praise.


  1. I don't find it messy! It's lovely.
    You'll manage, it won't be easy though, I guess...

    1. Thank you so much, A.notcopyacat. I know you are right <3 xx

  2. Mess, where, because I just see a stunning nail art! The colors are fantastic and the doodled flowers are very much the same as in the inspiration picture! I love it!
    I am sure it is not easy for you, just be strong!

    1. Thank you Andrea, you are always so sweet. I am really glad you like this nail art. I just had a bad feeling about it! I will do my best. I am just trying to keep busy before it now xx

  3. I'm sorry for your loss.
    Your manicure is awesome! Love your painting and the colors you chose!

    1. Thank you Stadwaldvogel. I am so glad you like it :) xx

  4. Oh Ithi, it looks gorgeous!
    I am terribly sorry for your loss. Sorry for not telling you earlier, didn't read blogs Surfing my vacation...
    I am glad you could make it to the funeral. Even though it's going to be hard you would always regret not going. I went through the same thing in January and I can only tell you that time heals all wounds... A cliché, but still true!
    Take care, xo Pia

    1. Hi Pia, no apologises! Thank you so much for your kind words. You are completely right - I would have regretted it. I am glad that I will get to go today, I didn't think I could with being in another country but the support of my Dutch family really helped and made it possible. I know you are right, I am sorry that you had to go through it too <3 Sorry for my lack of commenting, I will get back into things tomorrow. xx

    2. Take all the time you need! No worries.
      I hope you had a lovely service for your grandpa. Take care

  5. Such a cute and beautiful mani.
    I'm thinkng about you, I can imagine that it's hard for you, take care now. Lots of love and hugs to you dear Ithi! <3

  6. Omg so pretty =]

  7. I'm sorry for you loss. :(

    The nail art itself is wonderful! I thought it was a water decal or something at first, the lines and colors looks stunning!

  8. well done ! no mess
    i like your work, nail art always keep me calm

  9. Well done, this design looks gorgeous <3


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