Glamour In The Nude

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today?  Today I have a really glitzy and glamorous manicure which was actually inspired by my bestie Andreea from Ditta Nail Art. Andreea created the most gorgeous purple manicure where one of the nails was accented and entirely filled with studs. I'd seen the style before but had never been a fan... Until I saw Andreea's manicure. Then I knew I had to try it out at least once!

I hate to ruin the lovely positive note but I feel like I should share this...

I really want to apologise to you guys for not commenting as I should, or used to. Things are not so great here and even my passion for painting has taken a dive – I just can not get anything right. Luckily I have at least 12 posts backed up. My Granddad back in England who is 99 is very sick - The plan was to go back to England in September for his 100th birthday. For now I'm stuck here in Holland... There's not a lot I can do if something happens, I don't have the funds to travel back and I am pretty sick with worry. My eyes have done that weird thing where they swell up and my IBS is increased with stress. My love for painting... where is it? I thought I could at least use that to take my mind off of things.. but its not there for me. I really hope you can understand that I am not myself right now, I'll get things into order and hope I can be a better blogging friend soon.

For this manicure I began with three coats of Nails Inc's 'Colville Mews' and once completely dry I added my Barry M top coat. I began frantically adding studs with my trusty pointy tweezers to my ring finger quickly before the top coat dried. I also added a few flower shaped gems to the other nails just to tie it all together.

Do you think I did Andreea's manicure justice? How do you like this studded mani with a nude base?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Such a lovely bejeweled nail look ;) Love the combo of nude and jewels :) xx Maja

  2. This is a beautiful manicure Ithi! I love the way the studs cover the whole nail.
    You don't have to apologize for anything, we're all human and sometimes things happen in life that are way more important than nails or blogging. Take your time, life comes first! I hope you find a way to travel back to see your Granddad, and that you'll feel better soon.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you, Emelie! I have to give credit to Andreea for the design, hers was beautiful! This is one of the best things about blogging, meeting such kind people like yourself. Thank you for your kind words <3 xx

  3. This is pretty extravagant! Looks elegant! A bond girl might wear this ...
    I hope you will get better - and your granddad, too!

    1. Thank you so much, Staldwaldvogel! Haha I like that, it is pretty blingy! xx

  4. Great mani! Looks amazing!!! *__*
    I like the Andreea's version too!

  5. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that :( I really really hope that your grandpa gets better and he will be able to celebrate his 100th birthday in Sep. Also, I'd love you to look after your body. I'm sure your grandpa doesn't want you to worry sick about him, he would want you to be healthy and happy. So, don't worry about blogging or commenting. You are an artist, you don't have to force yourself to create something, an inspiration will naturally come to you when the time is right.

    Please let us know if there is anything we could do ;)
    Lots of hugs and kisses <3 xxxx

    1. Thank you so much, Minnie. Its a hard time right now, not really knowing much and just waiting - I think thats the hardest part. I had a call on Sunday night to expect the worst, luckily he seemed to pick up again after that but its the whole uncertainty of the situation. You are also really right in what you say, I will make sure to look after myself because otherwise I probably wont! Luckily with the backed up posts I should be able to keep on top of things which is good as I hate being under prepared and need to keep busy <3

      You are so very kind but I don't think there is much anyone can really do right now. I would love to be back home with my family but it isn't really possible.

      Thank you again so much <3 xxx

  6. Stunning manicure and I remember the one from Andreea too.
    I am really sorry to here that you're not OK and you don't need to apologize, because we have a life besides blogging and that is much more important! I hope you're grandfather will be OK and you can celebrate with him the 100 birthday. Take your time, we will be here! I wish you all the best and get well soon!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! Wasn't her's just beautiful?! It looked so pretty with the purple. Thank you for being so sweet, I always put so much pressure on myself to get a good schedule. I really hope for that too but its really unsure if that will be the case.

      Thank you so much <3 xx

  7. So sorry about your grandpa! 99 is an impressive age. I hope he makes it to 100!
    Best of luck and many hugs!

    Your manicure looks amazing!
    xo, Pia

  8. these are gorgeous! I love the nude with the extra bling!

    I am sorry about your grandpa! Mine is 97 so I know how you feel. But is sounds like he has lived a long and great life!


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