Freehand Zebra With Print And Acrylic-Gradients

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope you all have at least one lovely thing planned for this weekend - something nice to pamper and spoil yourselves! I'm also trying really hard to stay on top of freehand designs. I love doing all types of nail art but I feel happier when I'm posting freehand and I also think maybe that's why you guys come here?

Today's manicure came pretty much from nowhere. I wanted to create something freehand but I didn't know what. In the end I decided to go for a zebra since painting my last unicorn felt pretty calm and relaxed to paint. I used only one polish for this manicure, besides base and top coats.

I began with Barry M's 'White' on all my nails and decided to create a pinky, orange and yellow gradient on certain parts of the nails and as a background for my zebra. I created everything freehand without any striping tape (probably not the wisest idea?) and finished it all off with my Pro-FX top coat.

Something really weird happened which is a total new in my freehanding experience. Slowly over time my zebra began to turn yellow! Its not too bad in these pictures (You can see it in places if you look for it) but by the end of the day he was pretty yellow. I've never seen my acrylics do that before, ha! It hasn't happened since, either. How odd.

What do you think of my stripes and zebra nail art? How do you feel about animal print on nails?
Have a beautiful day,


  1. I don't see anything wrong with those handpainted stripes, they are 100% perfect! What a beautiful combo of gradient and zebra! ^_^

    1. Awwh thank you so much, Nailfame! <3 Your comments always make me smile :)

  2. I like very much your freehand nail art, your creative ideas!! :D
    The zebra looks perfect. It's very weird that it turned yellow...

    1. Thank you dear Ninthea! <3 I know right?! It's never happened before! Perhaps my white paint wasn't thick enough :)

  3. Well, I think they are amazing! Lovely design and colors used. Though there are flaws, i think its not that noticeable.

    1. Thank you very much, Jess :) Oh there are always flaws, I stopped thinking I could create perfect things a long time go, its an unrealistic expectation to have that only hinders confidence and the drive to just try. Now I just go for it, heehe :)

  4. Thank you so much, A.notcopyacat! <3

  5. OMG!!! These are gorgeous...LOVELY!!!

  6. Amazing zebra! :D <3

  7. Really beautiful! I love all your nail art and your freehand designs are always crazy good :D <3

  8. The zebra is soooo cute, I love it!
    And I like animal print patterns very much on the nails, especially when there's a "full" animal like your zebra, too.

  9. I really like the combination of a neon-like background and the black and white zebra pattern. They are contrasting and both stand out!

  10. These are gorgeous! I love the contrast of the black and white with the bright neons, and your freehand is perfect, as always!


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