Be Free To Fly - Freehand Bird Nails

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope your having a great day so far :) Lately there has been a lot of acrylic and crazy bright manicures here at IthinityBeauty so I thought for today's manicure I would do something very... calming and free! Spread your wings and soar!

I'm quite happy with how this manicure came out. This was my second attempt at the idea, my first manicure came out horrifyingly awful which you can see *HERE* if you really want to.

For this manicure I began with two coats of George's 'Cool Lilac' and created a gradient with Rimmel's 'Bestival Blue'. One dry I created my lettering and flying birds with acrylic paint. I finished the manicure by smoothing out with Catrice top coat.

I hope this manicure has the cool and calm feel I was going for. Something a little more chilled!

Have you ever created a bird inspired nails before? Do your gradients ever bubble?
Have a gorgeous day!


  1. This is so pretty Ithi! The colors look great together and the birds and text looks amazing :)

  2. Wow I'm impressed again by your freehanding's so beautiful and romantic! :-)

  3. I love, how the birds came out. Pretty impressive manicure!

  4. Aaaaah these are so so pretty, me likey!

  5. Ithi you are a real artist- I love this design so very much!

  6. That's so pretty, I just love it <3

  7. so beautiful, your birds are amazing!!

  8. Like you said it's very calming! :D
    I have never draw birds, only butterflies for now ;)

  9. Wow! *.* At first I thought this is stamped design or some decals but no. You're amazing nail artist! Really love it! :)


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