Where Will Your Dreams Take You? ~ Freehand Design

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I'm feeling much better today, thankfully! I have to put it down to all your kind comments, it must be good for my health, hehe. Today I actually felt brave enough to bring the acrylic paints out again and if I am honest this is probably my hardest freehand manicure ever. I got the inspiration from this beautiful illustration I found on Pinterest. I decided not to include the houses at the bottom of the picture but I like to imagine that the little boy and girl are actually tucked up in bed and fast asleep, perhaps this is where they have adventures in dream land. I also really like to think of them as my Niece and Nephew who I absolutely adore.

I started with two coats of TipTop Nail's 'Lilac Blue' (I think its called...) and added a gradient using Sally Hansen's 'Resurrection'. Everything else is created with my favourite bamboo brush from The Born Pretty Store and Oumaxi Acrylic paints.

In reflection... I'm pretty happy with this and the idea of it. I wish the sails looked a little neater and to my bare eye I assumed it was – But hey. I'm only human and right now my back is aching after my poor painting set up (in case your curious I paint sitting on the bed with a cardboard box for a table.. so you can imagine!)

What do you think of my dreamy freehand design? Where do your dreams take you? :)

Have a great day!


  1. Wow, it's like small painting on each and every nail. You're so talented Ithi!! I'm really impressed. It's gorgeous!! <3

    1. Awh thank you, Ann-Sofie! You are always too kind! I'm so glad you like it :) I have to say this manicure didn't come easy but I am really enjoying playing with acrylics lately! <3 xx

  2. this looks great! I really like it <3 <3

  3. The clouds/waves look beautiful! I actually just wrote a little story about two kids who sail clouds, strange coincidence right? Please rotate the pics next time, now my neck and back are hurting too! ^^

    1. Wow how unusual is that?! Maybe I am a mind reader, hehe :) Sorry not all the pictures are rotated, I'm a bit of a weirdo when it comes to rotating, haha! xx

  4. OMG, this is so artistic- you are very talented Ithi!

  5. Oh wow this is amazing. Great work :-D

  6. Amazing work, when my man saw this, he said: "Why aren't you doing something like this?" HAHA

    1. Wow thank you, Frankie! It was fun to do but also very time consuming! xx

  7. OMG!! This is an amazing design!! Look at the waves against the ship! This is a perfection :D

  8. Cute idea! Your painting is so detailed, you are a great free hand painter!

    1. Thank you, Stadwaldvogel! I tried my hardest to paint as much as I could, It took a lot to learn how to manage such a small space, haha! xx

  9. Damn girl <3 Such a lovely design, you're amazing at freehand <3 ARTIST <3

    1. Thank you so much, Glee Tree! Your words are too kind :) <3

  10. This is just beyond adorable! LOVE IT!!! <3 xx

    1. Thank you, Gelic! I am so glad you like it! :) xx

  11. Wow amazing!!! *__*
    You are very talented! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Ninthea! That is really too kind :) <3

  12. Whoah, these are amazingly done, fantastic job!

  13. It's really stunning Ithi, I love this so much. Everything just fits in the scene, I love the gradient you did and the waves look amazing!

  14. this nail art looks so great, I love all the details, and I'd love to try a creation like this myself one day!
    Thanks for sharing it with us!
    X julia

  15. This is so gorgeous! You are so talented, amazing!!


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