Simple Saturday Dotticure

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you had a great weekend so far? I had a lovely day with my sister in law, I absolutely love that lady :) She's one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. We got up early and had our hair done together and browsed through the shops. She very kindly bought be a cute pink notebook for me to swatch all my polishes in. It's going to be long process to get the book complete with my current polishes but I like a challenge. I only have a very basic and simple manicure for you today, I'm constantly on the look out for ideas for my next big freehand piece. Speaking of which... Thank you all so much! A lot of you took the time to comment on my previous post and I am so grateful for all the kind and lovely comments you left. You guys make me want to freehand paint all the time!

For this manicure I began with two coats of Essie's 'Cashmere Bathrobe'. I then used a mixture of Barry M's 'Rose Hip', Rimmel's 'Hot White Love', MUA's 'Amaretto Crush' and China Glaze's 'Pink-ie Promise' for my dots. I topped it all off with OPI's matte top coat.

What do you think of my incredibly simple dotticure?
Simple but easy enough when you have a busy day and need a nap! Haha... I do like my naps.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, I'll try and crack out the acrylics tonight, wish me luck!




  1. amazing matte effect- I really like it :)

  2. Lovely manicure, so simple and effective :D

  3. I love it, dots are so pretty. I love the matte finish aswell. :-)

  4. I always love dotticures! Yours is cute. That pink notebook sounds interesting!

  5. Simple nail art are also cute! I like how it looks with the matt finish :)

  6. The color dots pup out from the dark base polish and draw the attention and I really like that you mattefied this mani, it looks more interesting!

  7. This is so cute, I love the colors your chose!

  8. I love the way it looks matte! Dotticures are always cute and easy :)

  9. Great mani. I like the matte effect :-D


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