Simple Ruffian With Pretty Colourful Pearl Studs

Allo polish Pals!
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend so far? Do you have any exciting plans? You may remember a while ago I redeemed some of my Born Pretty Store points and got a few new nail art items? Well today I am going to show you some studs I picked up. I just couldn't resist when I saw these 'Colourful PearlFlat Back Metallic Studs'. Don't forget also, you can get a 10% discount from any orders from the Born Pretty Store when you use the coupon code DRX31

This is a very simple manicure, just your basic ruffian with studs. For two reason's really. The first being that I didn't want to over complicate the manicure with too much and to keep the focus on the studs themselves. I began with two coats of Herôme's 'Kingston' and created a ruffian style manicure using Barry M's 'Huckleberry' and Hema's 'Lilac'. I then added the studs and used regular little studs to accentuate them.

I really adore these studs, I think they have quite an elegant feel to them and I love how they look paired with many colours. The wheel they come in actually has a few other colours, purple, black, blue, white. I picked these up as I thought I would use them in many nail art manicures to come.
They are 4mm in size which I find quite large for some of my nails, mainly my pinkie. But who says you have to wear them on all your nails? :)

What do you think of this very simple manicure? Do you like these gold encased studs?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow really nice manicure :D <3

  2. amazing! I have never tried 'ruffian nails', but now I am tempted :)
    Have a nice day dear Ithi :)

  3. Your nails look great!
    I wonder how you get your inspiration for such a lovely and pretty manicure!
    Keep on sharing your creativity!

  4. very pretty, i love the colors!

  5. I have similar studs! Blue and green. Lovely mani.

  6. lovely mani Ithi! I like the studs very much :)


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