Ciaté: Looking Glass Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
Happy Saturday to you all! I have a real change up this weekend, compared to last weeks very quiet weekend at home I'll be out most of this weekend visiting friends and family so I just have time for a quick swatch for you. I have to warn you, I could have killed my camera. I don't know why but it really didn't want to pick up the beautiful holo on this polish. I made the best I could with my limited time but I'm still not too impressed with how my photographs came out. Here is Ciatés 'Looking Glass'. I also tried this on before I trimmed and rounded my nails down so my nails are going to look a little different from picture to picture. I'm smart, huh...

Back to rounded nails. Short and stubby - They are currently a work in progress.
(Before I went round) Apologies for the also phone snap, I wanted to share with you the beautiful holo to this polish. Fail.
Colour ~ Looking Glass is a gorgeous silver laced with holographic glitter. When I first inspected the bottle I thought it reminded me a lot of Model's Own's 'Northern Lights' however in certain light this polish has a beautiful but subtle taupe tint to it. In natural light the holo jumps right out at you and in some light it may appear almost as if it is only silver.

Application ~ I had no trouble with application, in fact the first coat dried incredibly fast into a dull matte look which meant that it is fast and easy to layer your coats. I am showing three coats.

Texture ~ The texture is on the watery side with this one but that only added to the wonderful dry time. I had assumed on first inspection it may feel or apply grainy but it was perfectly smooth.

★★★★★/5 Yes I am giving this five stars! I love the texture and I love how glossy it appears with a top coat, It is gorgeous when you see the holo and even when it appears just silver. I can see myself reaching for this one many more times in the future. Its a beautiful balance of striking and subtle at the same time.

Have you tried any polish from Ciaté before? Do you have trouble photographing holographic polishes?

Have a fabulous weekend, guys! I'll see you in the week!



  1. so beautiful, so sparkly!- i love it Ithi :)
    Have a nice weekend dear friend!

    1. Thank you Fife! I do love how sparkly it was too, princess nails! Hope you had a good weekend also :) xx

  2. It looks gorgeous! Don't worry, the holo is visible in the third picture :) It's really hard to capture holo sometimes! The round nail shape also looks really cute on you!

    1. Thank you, Robin! I have to say I admire you holo photographing skills immensely! Thank you for the shape compliments. I'm not sure, I takes some getting sued to again after square nails!! If truth be told I find this shape a lot more reliable and less prone to breakages! xx

  3. i would kill my camera to :) just we could see on third picture some holo
    but in real life it must be gorgeous !
    have a nice day !

    1. Haha we better not kill our camera's :) I'm glad I managed to show the holo a little bit. Its not quite as obvious as I would have hoped for. Your right about it being a lot more pretty in real life! xx

  4. This looks great and I really like it! I've got. I do like Ciate polishes - they do a good range :-)

    1. Thank you, Ananka! Well this is my first Ciate and I am really impressed, I never really knew much about them but they seem like a really awesome brand! :) xx

  5. It's amazing! It's so sparkly:) I hate take a pics of holo polishes as well...It never turns out too good:/

    1. Thank you so much, Ela! Perhaps I can tell myself I need to buy more holographic polishes just so I can practice photographing them! ;) xx

  6. The shimmer is sooo pretty! Very elegant!

  7. I can see the holo! Surprisingly beautiful polish!

  8. This is so gorgeous and sparkly. I love holos like this!

  9. Wow the holo in this is stunning. Beautiful swatch xx


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