Picture Polish: Jade Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
How are you? Are you having a good week going so far? This weekend turned out to be a bit of a disappointment for me, instead of going out as planned I spent most of it in bed resting. I've not been too lucky with my stomach condition lately but once again I'm feeling better (and taking extra care of myself!) and looking forward to going to see mine and Mr Bravo's brother and sister-in-law this afternoon, should be fun! :) Today I have a review of Picture Polishes 'Jade' for you - “Love and harmony, seek your fortune!” 

 Colour ~ Jade is a beautiful medium spring green with a subtle hint of silver running through it. Despite how subtle the shimmer is there is just the right amount to still be noticeable ~ Can't you see how it gives the green a lovely smooth sheen to its appearance? Jade always reminds me of spring time, flowers and frogs!

Application ~ I have no trouble with the application of Jade and what you see here is a smooth two coats. Although applying my first coat I thought it looked a little streaky the second coat really smoothed it out and I feel like Jade has a wonderful self levelling property to it which is always awesome!

Texture ~ I think I'd call this a crème... I find the texture to be on a slightly thicker side but that gives it no problems at all, once dried it looks incredibly smooth/satiny – I love that.

★★★★★/5 ....A full five stars!  I love this polish from pIcture pOlish, there's really no bad words to say about it. The only look out point would be to allow drying time between each coat and paint thinly. That said, I had no issues and I just adore this colour. I think if your collection lacks a shade like this then its a great addition! Don't you think it's perfect for spring?

What do you think of Jade? Are you a fan of green polishes?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. lovely colour- looks wonderful on your nails :)

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better :) Hope you have an awesome week to make up for the weekend. I think this polish is absolutely beautiful. gorgeous shade.

  3. Ooooooh, this nail polish is so beautiful! I really need this. Take care!

  4. Such a lovely colour, makes me think of spring. It's almost spring here in Sweden, at least today it has been spring weather. :.)

  5. omg !never enogh to see new picture and new swatch ! love this color !

  6. I adore green! This one looked great on you :D

  7. this is a gorgeous color! beautiful swatch :)


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