Purple Rain, Puuurple Rain! ~ Water Marble

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today, did you have a good Valentine's Day? I hope your having a great weekend! Today I've been quite productive shifting through laundry and tidying up. Tomorrow Mr Bravo is taking me to meet some of his long-time friends and I'm feeling really nervous! I'm actually a really shy person and I'm always a little jittery when I have introductions. I'm sure we will have a great time and it will be great for Mr Bravo to catch up :) I also found time to test out one of the beautiful Fogan polishes my sister-in-law gave me and I am in love!
Mr Bravo thought of the post name. Purple rain for a water marble manicure...
I started with two coats of Barry M's 'Prickly Pear' on all my nails and created a water marble using Fearne polish 'High Tide' and Forgan #16. I really love how the colours melted together in some places and almost became their own shade. I then added some candy studs from The Born Pretty Store and added some trailing dots in alternating colours.

I've only tried a couple of the Fogan nail polishes from the set of 24 my Sister-in-law kindly gave me but so far I am really liking them!

What do you think of this manicure? Have you created a marble manicure so far this year?
Have a great weekend!


  1. good evening dear Ithi
    must say that you find real way to make perfect color combo, and to make beautiful contrast !
    like this !

    1. Hope your having a good evening! <3 Thank you so much Bubica! I'm a little crazy for purple and blues together! :) xx

  2. yes ,yes ,yes ! i am in love too !purple and blue !

  3. omg, this has to be the best combination ever! i love this water marble!!!

  4. Oh my gosh Ithi these are stunning. I still haven't dared try a water marble! The colours you used are stunning together. Hope you have a fab time meeting new friends today. I'm shy around new people too so I know how you feel. I'm sure Mr Bravo will look after you xx

  5. Wow Ithi, this is so cool! You're extremaly talented!:) Glad I found your blog:)
    I've tried water marble before but I failed every time:D But your nails look amazing!:)

  6. Wow, you've done it again. A really beautiful mani. :-)

  7. Ithi, I am absolutely in love with this mani! Whole design in my lovely colours! Perfect my dear! Bravoooo :D

  8. I love purple nail arts!
    Especially this one ;)

    Xx Julia

  9. this is so beautiful! you did an amazing job! i know his friends will love you! don't by shy, just be yourself :)

  10. Last night i was on my phone and today i decided to take another look at this pic. It's even more beautiful.
    It's one of the best designs you did! :*


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