Layla SoftTouch Effect: 01 Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

This item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
Are we all good? I really hope you all had the most amazing Christmas! I can honestly say I had a fantastic day with my family. It has been lovely to be home this year; I got to play a lot with my 3 year old Niece who I always miss terribly when I am in Holland. I also got to eat my Mum's (I call her Skeebab) Christmas Turkey, probably drank a little too much wine and generally had a great day. Mr Bravo enjoyed his first English Christmas too! :) Today we have more family over for lunch Today as its Boxing Day but I thought I'd take a little time before they arrive to show you my all time favourite Silver polish from Layla which I should have showed you forever ago!  Please click the read more button for the full review.
Without Topcoat
With Topcoat

Colour ~ 01 from Layla is a gorgeous soft and subtle shimmery silver. I would say its a mid silver and beautifully light. I have used it so many times, here and here are some examples of how it pairs with other colours. I would say it comes alive when you apply a top coat. I love how it looks before the top coat which is still beautiful.

Application ~ Easy Peasy, the brush it great and the dry time is just fabulous. There are no streaking issues.

Texture ~ When applying the texture is quite watery and dries into a really soft looking matte silver. There's something about the texture that reminds me of Styrofoam (Like the feel of take away cups) when you apply the top coat it becomes incredibly smooth and amazingly glossy.

★★★★★/5 It has to be a full five stars, I almost feel like I have two polishes in one because of how different it looks with/out the top coat. Silly note: I have decided to give it the nickname of 'Cinderella's Slippers' because of how glassy/glossy it looks with a top coat!

If I borrowed this from a friend would I go and buy myself a bottle? ABSOLUTELY!
Have you tried any polishes from Layla yet? Do you prefer this with or without the topcoat?

You can find Layla polishes at HQHair.

Have a wonderful day whatever your plans may be :)


  1. This is such a lovely effect! I love it on you!

  2. Hello Ithi! Happy Holidays my dear, I'm glad to hear you had a fantastic day back in your home country. I have missed everyone so much this time not being able to travel to Argentina. But we had a quiet and pleasant time anyway. No turkey for us this year, we had a rich brunch and we had fun making pancakes all together, my baby's first try weren't bad at all! some even better than mine, hihi.
    This manicure is absolutely awesome, the silver is perfect, no wonder why is your all time favourite.

  3. Cinderella's slippers is just the right name for it! I like the matte and the glossy finish. Have a great time with your family!

    1. I'm so glad you agree Stadtwaldvogel! Me too, each other looks so different texture wise but they are both great :) Thank you, I hope you are doing the same! xx

  4. I love this silver nail polish!
    It looks beautiful on your nails :)

    1. Thank you so much Julia! Unfortunately my fingers were a little red when I swatched this from my swatch-a-thon but I do just love the way Layla looks! <3 xx

  5. I'm glad you had a lovely time :) this is a gorgeous polish!


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