Sparkling Grape

Allo polish Pals!
How is your week going? I've been pretty productive lately. I totally rearranged our small bedroom, My man has a good gaming space and I have made myself a place where I can do my nails, I also cleared room for his/our (I love her as much as I love my dog in England) beautiful blind dog so she wont trip or bang her head in any way. Everyone's a winner! My only problem: You know when you have a nail haul and you don't know what to use first? Well I'm in that situation right now, I've not seen some of these nail polishes in six months and now I'm rekindling a new love all over! I wanna use and see every colour right now! Haha
I wasn't going to show this because I thought it looked lack-lustre. Some things missing and maybe a little accent nail with grapes would have been cute but Hey! I'm settling in again!

I started with two coats of Pacific Rapsodi '23' and blended Barry M's 'Prickly Pear' Gelly on the tips. I then used a small brush to apply Essie's 'Set In Stone' (One of my all time favorite glitters!) around the cuticle. I smoothed the whole look out with a sassy coat of Seche Vite.

What do you guys think about this look? Do you like pairing glitter with gradients?
Enjoy your day!



  1. I love the way you used only a little glitter. Looks very sophisticated!

  2. This was such a beautiful manicure! I just love gradients and I really like the sparkling decoration! I also know what you mean, many polishes (especially if they've been packed down) can be difficult when seeing them again, it's like (too) many polishes (nah, never too many..haha) and certainly too few nails to paint! haha
    Fun to also have a special place to paint,I wish I would have something like that, me and my bf live in a small flat so the bedroom is too small for anything more than the bed and our living room is a combined office/work area and then there's the kitchen, which is a kitchen.. For now I mostly paint my nails in the living room section sitting in the sofa bending myself silly, and I also have to remove and pack everything down every time I want to use it. But well, the rent i very cheap and I guess I normally have more money for buying more nail polish.. haha :D


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