Layla: N05 Gel Effect Nails Swatch & Review ★★★/5

This item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The weather here in Holland is beautiful and its only going to get hotter over the next few days! Hows the weather treating you? I'm still having some lighting issues so please bare with me. Thanks to HQ Hair for allowing me to review Layla's polish; Today I have a red to show you! Its a very classy red! As you all know I don't really do red polishes, I'm just not used to seeing that colour on my nails but I am certainly warming to them! Today I have Layla's Gel Effect nail polish. Gel nails without the hassle? Lets give it a go!

You can just about see where the bubble issues occurred!
Colour ~ N05 is a beautiful warm post box red. It is just a really classical red and doesn't really learn towards any other tones. It is incredibly vibrant and not for the faint hearted or those fearing a true red polish! Because it is gel effect it dries to a jelly/vinyl like finish. I do love how glossy and vibrant this looks.

Application ~ I had trouble.. I'm not gonna lie, I found this polish a little problematic to apply. The main reason for my troubles is it can appear streaky. If you have to little or too much on your brush you will notice this and pay for it later. Even with this in mind I noticed bubbles. Bubbles bubbles bubbles. That said, all my troubles went away after the third coat and my topcoat made it look seamless, the bubbles somehow magically vanished.

Texture ~ Its rather on the gloopy side. I guess this can be expected from a gel effect nail polish. I would liken this to the Model's own Ice Neon collection in terms of texture. If you get the quantity of polish on the brush right you should do just fine.

 ★★★/5 I do like this polish and it is the first I've properly tried from Layla and even the first proclaimed gel effect. What I really like is that when you have finished your topcoat is does look incredibly glossy and shiny which gives it a very sophisticated look in my opinion. What I didn't like was the application whether that is my fault of perhaps just my bottle the bubbles where a pain yes they smooth out a little with a topcoat but they still look slightly uneven under harsh scrutiny. If I borrowed this from a friend would I go and buy myself a bottle? I think so, it does have a lovely finish and it is a true red.

What is your 'go to' classic red? Have you tried Layla's Gel Effect polish?
I have some other Layla polishes from their other ranges to show you very soon!

I'm off to nom an avocado!
Have a great start to your week,
Love Ithi



  1. Yes, sometimes Laylas do bubbles :(
    But I've thought it was my base coat's fault!
    Well, I love them anyway haha! I don't own any bottle from the gel effect collection but I was looking at the turquoise one and thinking "how gorgeous"!
    I love this kind of finish but not on my own nails ^^ xo

    1. Oh this is common in their polishes? I had some incidents with bubbling recently and I questioned if it was my topcoat too, It was a little on the less fresh side and a few cm near the bottom of the bottle. Since I replaced it none of them bubble except this one! Turquoise is always a winner with me! xx

  2. In my screen this looks hot pink, but my screen isn't calibrated.
    I don't own any Layla but sad to hear about the application issues, that's not acceptable in my world, and I HATE bubbles in polishes!

    1. I have to admit, Gelic, with the lighting troubles I am having lately it may not look quite the classic red it really is. I hate bubbles too normally I would fob off any polishes that gives me bubbles but there is something about this I really like.

  3. Actually I love red nail polishes so much that I can't name only one "go to" red. This red is really nice and I haven't such a shade. We have wonderful summer weather in Germany, too.

    1. You'll have to pass me off a few names from your red collection! I think I can count the amount I own on one hand with a finger to spare. I'm glad your having a beautiful summer too! xx


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