Owning It With Models Own: Swatch/Review

 Allo polish Pals!
Can you believe its Thursday again already? I've had a hectic day running around after my 2 year old niece, crazy times! Hope you all had the best Halloween?
Today I am showing you a glittery party polish from my recent haul. I've never owned any Models Own polish before but decided to take the plunge after being wowed by their wonderful collections.

From L-R: Ibiza Mix, Grey Day, Aqua Violet and Gold Rush

Today's little minx is called 'Ibiza Mix' from Model's Own collection 'HeadKandi'

Ibiza Mix Dazzles
Upon ordering I feel in love with the picture on their website, A beautiful clear glitter containing hexagon glitter pieces in varying sizes in purple, aqua, pinks, golds and red. In my opinion this looked like a real party polish. Too good to be true right? Well let me tell you.. It applied like a dream. It had the perfect consistency to easily sweep over the nail. Even better if the fact I barely had to fish to get the glitter on my nail. Each dunk of the brush delivered a good even amount of glitter.

Another reason why I love this polish is because I can not stand glitter that feels gritty. You know, when all the polish just doesn’t sit flat and snags against clothes or feels rough when you tough them. Ibiza Mix applied in a lovely smooth coat. I wouldn't chose to wear it without a base colour but I wanted to show you the glitter in its natural form. I can't wait to pair this with other colours! Do you get bothered by un-smooth glitter particles?
You can find Models Own at modelsownit.com each bottle costs £5 which in my opinion is a steel for a high quality glitter.

What do you think? Does Ibiza Mix look like it belongs in your collection? Do you prefer chunkier or slimmer glitter in your polishes?
Swatches and reviews coming soon for the other Models Own polishes.

Take care until next time!



  1. I like that nail polish! It's so fun! Would be great layered over a bright neon or black polish! Thanks for your comment on my blog!
    Sincerely, Sara

    1. Your welcome, Sara! Yes I'm totally thinking black or even sort of dull muted colours to bring out the sparkle colour!

  2. OH! Looks pretty, can't wait to see what will be paired with! I was not a glitter-girl until recently. I own some glitters (may be 4?) which I never use! I really love them in the bottle, and all those manicures with glitter tempted me, so I've order some glitters from NYX, and still waiting for my package to arrive. We shall see...lol!

    1. I have so many ideas of what it will look cute with! :) I'm the same, I maybe own about the same. I can't wait to see how you get on with NYX I was in a toss up if I should order NYX or Models! :)

  3. Ibiza Mix is totally gorgeous & I wish I had a little extra $ to get it lol. I know what you mean about scratchy glitter. I hate that too, which is why I limit myself to wearing glitter polish, though I wish I could wear it all the time.

    1. Well I can't speak for all their polishes but Ibiza is the most on scratchy I've ever worn :D Deff worth saving the extra!

  4. Ibiza mix is really pretty and will look stunning over black. I don't wear glitters too often and agree that if they feel gritty I'm unlikely to wear that polish again. Not to mention how long it takes to remove them! I just got the models own mirror ball collection and look forward to swatching it soon :) xx

    1. Ohh I'll be keeping an eye out for your mirror ball swatches! I know right. I love Essie's set in stone but its like having a mental break down trying to get that off!

  5. I love my chunky and super fine glitters! Gorgeous!

    Jazz x

  6. Your blog is great! I don't know how you only have eight followers! I followed & added you to my blogroll! Loving this mani, I want those glitter polishes! I only own one Model's Own I think.

    1. Thanks Emily! I've added you too :) My blog has only really been going just over a couple of weeks so its all so new to me but thank you for the kind words! ♥

  7. It's a beautiful glitter! And it's great that it doesn't have that gritty feel to it. I have a few Models Own, but I haven't tried any of them yet. I must do so soon. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. You have to try them! I can't wait to see what ones you bought and how you find them :)


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