Models Own: Hot Stuff Swatch & Review

Allo, polish Pals!
Hows your weekend shaping up? I'm not up to much this weekend apart from seeing my niece and just taking it easy. Have you got any grand plans going on? Today I am reviewing and showing you Model's Own's 'Hot Stuff'.

Hot Stuff ~ A party in a bottle.

A tough Love/hate relationship. Read on to find out why!

Hot Stuff was released as part of the Mirror ball collection. After looking at swatches online I just had to try it out for myself. Hot Stuff contains large glitter pieces although they vary in size in a clear base. The larger pieces are holographic and contain diamond like shapes. To describe the colour of the pieces I would have to say think spectrum. You get a whole lot of different shades popping through depending on the angle and lighting your looking at it in.

Although I love how Hot Stuff looks I do have a few peeves that leave me wondering if it was really a great purchase option for me. You know I just despise scratchy bumpy feeling polish and sadly Hot Stuff left my nail feeling so rough. I actually scratched my face while wearing it which didn't feel like a fun time! Another thing is.. It smells funky.. I obviously have my fair share of getting polish wiffs but this is unusual.. It almost doesn't smell like polish at all but whatever the smell is it isn't pleasant in the slightest and gave me a bit of a headache.

It goes on easily and quite smooth but I did have to 'fish' a little to get those diamond pieces out despite there being so many of them in the bottle.

My overall thoughts? I personally would not buy this again having tried it. Don't get me wrong, its beautiful on and I know it will look gorgeous when paired with many colours but the smell and texture just don't hit my polish wish list. Perhaps I'm just a little too picky when it comes to glitter!

What do you think? Have you ever had funky smelling polish before, if so did you find it off putting to use? Does Hot Stuff look like a glitter your collection could use?

I'm going to have some nail art for you to see soon. Its been a bit over the top with all the Models Own swatches, right?

Enjoy your Saturday!



  1. Gorgeous! I love this glitter :)

    Jazz x

  2. I'm so looking forward to trying this but not looking forward to the smell after reading your post. Glad you are having a chilled weekend, you deserve it after your recent worries with your dad being so poorly xx

    1. Thanks Louise. If you can over come the smell I think you'll love it! :)

  3. Hi Ithfifi, Great review! I'm still a little intimidated when it comes to glitter as complex as this one (multiple shapes and colours). So I've been hesitating to buy some regular glitter just to start, so this is far too sophisticated for me (now)!
    I had some "smelly" issue going on with a Revlon that was supposedly scented and was meant to smell good. Couldn't stand it.
    keep enjoying your weekend!

    1. Thanks Natalia :) Thats good, your getting used to the glitters yay! Take it slow, I have to admit Hot stuff is really quite a 'in your face' kind of polish! Oh dear, I dont mind the smell of normal polish, I'd rather have that then havea company trying to hard to make it smell good and then it doesn't! Lets face it, its not like we're going to sniff it like perfume anyway! xx

  4. i really love the colors of this glitter!

  5. this is PRETTYYY! do you have gelous? i use it to smooth out bumpy glitters and it works every time (:

    1. I've never heard of this.. It sounds like a life saving miracle too good to be true! I'm going to have to google this up right a way! :)


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