Ithi's Parade - Bobbing In Ibiza

Allo polish Pals!
How are you enjoying your week? Is it flying by or dragging on? Not long til the weekend now! The last few days have been rather eventful for me, I will explain after the jump. But for now onto the polish, lets proceed!
A simple Matte/Glitter look. I named it Ithi's Parade to express my happiness :)
For me this week seems to be flying by. My latest adventures have included dealing with the terrible flooding that happened last night. My entire garden was under water and let me tell you.. You have to go down about 15 steps to get down there, most of them had vanished!

Last night I also booked my plane tickets to Holland, so excited! And this evening I also managed to save a baby frog from my cat.

Also on top of that I spent this afternoon 'building' myself a light box so today's picture are done using it. I am hoping they are clear and the colour show well as then I'll finally be able to take 'ok' pictures in the evening..

 For Today's simple look I used Essie's Bobbing For Baubles with a dose of Model's Own Ibiza Mix glitter on the tips. I finally decided to make this look Matte by adding Models Own Pro Matte formula ~ and I'm glad I did.

What do you think of this mani? I wanted something to sort of express my colourful mood at the moment. I think I'd prefer it with a grey personally. How do you think my lighting looks? Hopefully my light box will make taking pictures much easier!

Take care polish pals and enjoy the rest of your day!



  1. That's making me smile :) The perfect mix between dark nails and fun sparkle!

  2. Thank you Stafani, I quite liked the contrast too! :)

  3. Loving the glitter tips. So sorry to hear about the flooding I do hope it doesn't get worse. We are very lucky to not have experienced any flooding but some other areas in our county have. That's one lucky baby frog! :)

  4. this is so pretty! i looooove the matte look

    1. Thanks! I prefer the matte look too, the glitter looks cuter and stands out a lot more without the shine going on! :


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