Deborah Lippmann's - Glitter In The Air Swatch and Review

Allo again polish Pals!
Hope you all had a dandy weekend. I spent mine with family and talking to my boyfriend so it was a good weekend for me! Exciting news, it looks like I am booking my tickets to Holland tomorrow!
Today I have a wonderful little beauty from Deborah Lippmann.
Glitter in the Air is a wonderful polish, one I recently treated myself to after admiring it for the past year or so. I was always on the fence about purchasing it after reading mixed reviews and reading that there were cheaper dupes on the market ~ However I finally decided to bite the bullet...

Sweet and Simple with Glitter In The Air.
So after a year or more of eyeing this polish up, what’s the verdict? Luckily I'm not disappointed at all, I love its soft feminine colours. I could have fished for glitter but in my opinion this isn't supposed to be the sort of polish where glitter is dancing all over your nails. Its soft, simple and beautiful in an easy way. It applied in very smooth quick drying coats. I applied it straight after my base coat and added two before adding my top coat. So as you can tell the finish on it is quite sheer. I would really love to try this under a stronger blue based polish, perhaps Essie's Bikini So Teeny.

Excuse the Embarassing Cuticles, Ladies!
Did you also know that she contains green tea leaf extract? It helps strengthen nails and encourage growth. Fabulous! Now I can wear it on my fingie's while I drink it!

It will be one of those colours I will dig out at any chance if I need to have just one colour on my nails. I know it will be sitting in my collection alone for a while as the price of Deborah Lippmann is one of the reasons why I didn't splash out sooner but my opinion having tried just one polish is high. I bought my bottle for £16 and while I don't usually splash out on one polish that pricey I am glad I took a chance with Glitter In the Air.

What do you think, would you be interested in a polish like this? Do you like the amount of glitter this packs or do you prefer more glitter in your polishes? Would you consider paying that amount for a single polish?

Enjoy your day!
Love Ithi


  1. Pretty! I totally agree with you this is not meant to be packed with glitter. On the contrary, the key is "air". A light polish but not boring! I also like the sheer jelly finish. I think you did the right thing getting it!!

    1. Thanks Natalia! Your right, Air.. makes sense it has this level of glitter :) I think so too, I was worried I would be disappointed after looking it up for so long xx

  2. This is beautiful. I would love a lippman in my collection but they are so pricey. It looks fantastic on you and layering it over bikini so teeny is a great idea :). This post makes me want to treat myself to a polish from this range :)

  3. Lippmann polishes are SO gorgeous, and this one is no exception! However, since her polishes are out of my price range, I went with Revlon's Whimsical, which is a pretty good dupe for this one. I'm so glad you enjoy it!

  4. Good god! That's some expensive nail polish. I can guarantee I would never buy polish in that price range. I'll do just fine admiring it's beauty afar. This is a lovely glitter polish & I actually prefer glitter polishes that aren't packed full of glitter. Another thing I love about this polish is it's creamy shine. I love cream like polishes. You should use this polish in the near future and add two or three mini cupcakes to your nails. That would be awesome to see.

  5. This is so pretty on you! So soft and sweet! I've been going back and forth as to whether I should get this, and seeing your swatches have swung me towards "Get it"! :-)

    ~ Yun

  6. This is pretty, I've been wanting it for a while.

  7. Oh I love love this! I had been put off buying this one because of the bad reviews but it may have to move to my wanted list after seeing your photos. It looks simply stunning on you.

  8. that is so awesome you are going to holland! gorgeous polish


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