Juicy Dot-tification

Good morning world! Hope everyone's had a great week. I'm looking forward to a busy weekend although I can't wait to sit and create another manicure with my new stamping plates. Today I am showing you a nail art look I did a couple of weeks ago. I started with a basic cloud-like design and then took a dotting tool to alternate the colours. I know I will be doing this look again during the cold winter months as the colours have so much warmth to them. In fact, the colours remind me of that lovely refreshing feeling of having a nice juicy watermelon or ice lolly on a hot summers day!

The colours I used for this one are:
Essie - Tour De Finance as the base colour.
China Glaze – Peachy Keen.
Essie – Cascade Cool.

Hope you liked this look! Have a fantastic weekend! :)
Ithi x


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I enjoy your blogs a lot I need to ad you to my 'admired' blog roll! :)

  2. This is very good! the colours combine so well, very unexpected of a peachy with a hotpink to hang out, :D

  3. Thank you Natalia, It means so much! Yes its a real summer fruit cocktail going on there! :)

  4. I love this! That looks great! I should try this sometime!


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