Frog Prince

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing? I hope this week is going well for you so far, has anything exciting been going on in your world?

Today's nail art is a design I did at the end of last year, I personally didn't like it too much but when I wore it into my then job I had so many lovely comments that I decided to share it anyway, I think I joked that I'd found a new boyfriend – the frog prince! I know, I know...

I remember during painting this my then manager called me to change my hours the next day so I felt really rushes and panicked into finishing this design, my clean up was pretty horrendous and the overall feeling about the design was 'eeh..'.

That said, what I think about my art isn't always what you guys see so normally I am glad to read your comments on a design I am not happy with – you guys are always so kind.

I began this design with my usual OPI 'Nail Envy' base coat and once dry applied two coats of China Glaze's 'White On White' (I didn't have White Tips by ORLY then, sad times) Once dry I applied a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat and proceeded on with my acrylic paints, using my WhatsUpNails Dance 20 nail art brush. I sealed it all in with ORLY's Glosser top coat and eventually Barry M's matte top coat.

Do you think this frog prince is waiting for a kiss? What do you think of this design?

Thank you so much for visiting, I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you again on Friday for some more nail adventures!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think you should be proud of it, because it loos fantastic. Even if you were rushed to finish it, it came out perfect. I like it a lot, it looks cute too.

    1. Thank you dear Andrea! You are always so sweet. I think I need to stop being so critical, its something I've always done! <3

  3. OMG I love it. I love the fact that you created this work of art yourself. My mind is blown. If you were in my city or state I will have you hook a sister up. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much, Msddah! Aww I'd love to come paint your nails haha :) I am not sure many people will have the patience for the amount of time it takes - and on both hands!

  4. Even though you said you had to rush, it still looks amazing!! I love all of the colors.

  5. Amazing design! Never seen anything like it before, but it looks awesome!

    1. Thank you so much, Claire. I like to do things a lil different around here! ;)

  6. Every time I visit your blog your creativity astounds me, you are very talented. I really love these ones, perfect for a Disney visit I would say!

    1. Aww thank you so much Elizabeth, always too kind! Yes this would be fantastic for a Disney vaycaycay!

  7. So so pretty..nothing to feel bad about...its very good.

  8. What a detailed design. Very unique. Great display of technique.

  9. How cute is this frog prince nail art?? You are so creative and talented. I really adore your works.

  10. I smile brightly seeing adorable frog sitting on nails. This is so beautiful and so innovative. Your each nail art amazes me and I excitedly wait for your next post.

    1. I am so happy my frog prince made you smile, Indra! Thank you for your kind words :)

  11. He's absolutely adorable! I think you see all the flaws where we see your enormous talent... yep, that's probably what makes us ooh and aah over your nails, even if you don't like them that much ;)

    1. Aww thank you, Joyce! I think you are probably right, theres a lot of time to look at them during painting, photographing. Too much time to ponder, haha. You are always so lovely and encouraging :) <3

  12. This is so so cute, I always adore your artistic and detailed designs. This one is so amazing, the colors and the matte finish is perfect.

    1. Thank you, Preet! I find matte top coats usually work better on freehand designs, they just seem to smooth everything out nicely :)

  13. Angela Ricardo Bethea4 February 2018 at 00:22

    This is so cute. You really impressed me with your nail art works. You are so talented and creative. I wish I could paint my nails too like yours.

  14. Aww thank you Emily, that makes me so happy to read, Thank you for your kind words!


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