UR Sugar 6ml Metallic Gorgeous Metal Nail Polish - Review

Allo polish Pals!
How is your day going? Let me know in the comments, I always like to hear how you are :)
I had a very indulgent weekend, now its time to get back to normal! This week also starts 4 weeks of looking after my niece on and off during the school holidays. I love spending time with her, she's funny and clever and always so well behaved. I don't watch a lot of tv with her but I thought we might watch The Little Mermaid.. my only concern is.. I cry at everything Disney related!

Today I have another review from URSugar. I'm taking a look at '6ml Metallic Gorgeous Metal NailPolish' in Gold.

I had an interesting time with this polish and boy.. If I hadn't of applied it for a second time this review would be very different. This is a mini 6ml nail polish and looking at the bottle this polish looks gorgeous, its a very soft metallic peachy gold that looks very promising.

The first time I applied this polish I did a huge...wtf. I proceeded as I would with any manicure, by applying my OPI Nail Envy base coat. Huge mistake my friends as this caused the polish to really..react. It literally took under a minute for the polish to eat into my base coat causing it too streak and almost disappear in place. Undeterred I then followed through with a second and third coat before deciding that this was not going to get any better..and so off it came.

I then tried again without my base coat – not something I prefer to do – and it did apply much better. While I really love the colour on the finished result I wasn't impressed with the overall finish. This polish is quite unforgiving in the sense that if you have any ridges or indentations on your nails (Hi,hi. I noticed I seem to have a pretty big scratch across my thumb nail!) it will really highlight them. Besides that the metallic finish did look pleasantly smooth on my other nails.

Overall opinion? There are a lot of polishes available similar to this and I wouldn't really tell you to invest in this one. I don't want to be mean but I do have to be honest. Your money could be better spent than on purchasing this polish. Its certainly not for me but if its your cup of tea..be prepared to sacrifice your base coat.

Have a beautiful day my friends, thank you for chilling out with me! I'll catch you again on Wednesday.

Love, Ithi


  1. Ohhh, I'm sure you're going to have a great time with your niece! I always love spending time with mine (and of course with my nephew as well, even though he's at the stage all he wants to do is roughhousing ;)

    Ouch, with base coat it looks horrible! The color is pretty though and it's a metallic that usually stamps well. Maybe BP forgot to mention that it's just for stamping?
    (although, if base coat eats it I don't want to know what happens with normal polish)

  2. I am not a big fan of metallic finish nail polishes and if I use them than for stamping. Sorry about you're experience with this nail polish.

  3. This turned out to be a nice color in the end, but that first coat - eek!

  4. Disney also makes me cry, they always come up with something really sad!! :'D

  5. Not my kind of color and also it's horrible on base coat. I think it's suitable for corporate world. It always remind me of my two sweet nieces when you talk about your niece and nephew. I am lucky enough to spend much quality time with my elder niece but I haven't met my younger niece yet as they stay there in England. My parents are coming back to India with my young and naughty niece and I am going to have some wonderful time with her after few months. Can't wait for her to be here with me. :-)


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