Nail Dried Flower Decoration & Silver Nail Dust Nail Glitter Powder - BeautyBigBang Review

*Press Sample* This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!

Goooood morning to you all! Or afternoon.. or evening, depending on where you are and when you are reading this. I hope you had a fantastic weekend? I had a fairly quiet one again but we did go out for dinner on Saturday evening. It was ok - but when you are eating the parts of steak you can eat and complimenting the salad leaves above everything else that's kinda saying something!

Today I have a double whammy, two product reviews in one post. These items came from and they are 'Nail Dried Flower Decoration' and 'Silver Nail Dust Nail Glitter Powder' - item no.  . I decided to pair these with something a little more subtle..


SKU: B5820-1A

Lets begin with the powder. My first thoughts when I saw this was.. why.. why is it in a baggie? *Tears* T.T  The powder is very pretty and reminds me of winter, its a soft white, silver glitter powder and the bag contains approximately 10ml of product. That's quite a good amount and I think that will cover quite a few uses however.. Back to the bag.. This is not an ideal packaging solution for something so fine and messy, I would have had higher marks for this had it of been in a pot for easy, clean storage. It does have one of those seal lines but I would have preferred a pot.

That said, I do really like this glitter and decided to wear it on top of my top coat for a more textured effect.

On to the colourful dried flower wheel. These cuties come in 12 different colours and there are approximately three of each. With my first manicure I also tried to seal these in with a gel top coat however the centres of the flowers are quite thick leading to a really uneven manicure. Now, you guys know I can wear enormous gems and studs but the feel of that really irked me.

I tried again and this time left the flowers in their delicate state which I felt looked prettier. I applied them by dabbing a small amount of top coat and sticking them on top. The longevity of the flowers is probably half the amount of time than if worn with gel but I felt that it preserved their delicateness.

Overall I really like these and I think I'll have fun deciding how to wear them. They are really unique and I love the range of colours they came in. Wouldn't
they look cute paired with some decent stamping (Not my version of stamping, baha!)

 What do you guys think of these items? Have you worn dried flowers before?

Have a fantastic day, sweeties! Thank you for stopping by. I'll be back on Wednesday with some more freehand nail art.



  1. Wonderful nail art, love how you combined the brush strokes with the glitter and flowers, everything looks delicate and pretty!

  2. Those dried flowers are really fun and different! Love what you did with them here- I don't know if I would wear them for every day just because I'd be afraid they would break too easily but I could see wearing them for a special occasion.

  3. The flowers look beautiful, but I would be afraid to loose them immediately (like it always happens when I wear bigger studs).

  4. Those flowers looks so nice and I love how you wore them

  5. I loved your manicure. the drys brush base is so pretty. Loved how you combine the glitter and flowers. :)

  6. I was all ready to write these off, even if the glitter and the flowers look so pretty on your nails... and then she says something about adding them to stamping!! Now I want them too... ;)

  7. I love this so much. I love the colours you combined as well as the textures and decorations. Absolutely love it!

  8. That is a really great looking manicure!
    And I agree with you about the bag, I really prefer little containers too :)

  9. I have never wear dried flowers. Love those colorful flowers but they are quite big and I afraid I can wear it hardly for more than an hour. But still it's a good accessory for some fresh change. You have created very subtle look using those two products.


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