Freehand Kawaii Cherry Pie & Half Moon Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you had a faaaaantastic weekend. Our was quiet but delightful – I'm waking up everyday at 6.30am, happy, content and ready to go. I'm still pretty OCD with my lists but I feel like its not ruling my life any more, it's more that I am ruling the lists and ticking things off with a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Anyway! Today's nail art must have been done just after my last visit home.. so sometime in April! This isn't the last one from April either but I had to keep pushing these posts back for reviews and such.

Here's my cherry pie nail art! 

Now I have to tickle my brain to remember what I used – Oh why didn't I fill in all this info at the time?! Lesson Learnt.

I believe I used Barry M's 'Eat My Dust' which is the light blue polish. For the red I used Rimmel's 'Neon Fest', a hot pink shade which I then layered with Next's 'Cherry Pie from their Nail Colour Collection (My mum had just surprised me with this one the day before so I really wanted to use it!) I added a very thin coat of Polish Me, Royalty's 'Uncornicopia' for the gentle holo magic.

I wasn't really a fan of this manicure when I created it but I do love this concept of 'things inside the full moon' - I really should do some more of these manicures soon!

What do you guys think of my kawaii cherry pies? Have you ever worn blue and red together?

Have a beautiful day my friends, thank you so much for stopping by! I'll catch you again on Wednesday for some more nail art fun.



  1. The moment the first picture showed up on my screen I fell in love with that red... it's gorgeous! The pies are too cute to eat and I really like the "doily look" of the half moons, but that red... *sighs*

  2. How marvellous this nail art! It is very detailed. Smuackkk

  3. That is so beautiful! I envy your talent :)

  4. I thought you have used decals...yes yes I know you are such a fantastic freehand artist so I am now laughing over my silly brain..but truly Ithi this is a loveeeeelyyy mani. I enjoyed it a lot and yes you should try more manis on this concept. <3

  5. Your little pies are adorable <3


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