Freehand Evil Siren Mermaid Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today, has anything exciting happened during the start of your week?
Rolling with the constant chances I got my hair all cut off yesterday! FINALLY. Freedom! I really like what my hair dresser did with it too. The pile of hair on the floor was unreal. If you wanna see some before and after pictures you'll find them at the bottom of the post. I feel like I'm getting myself back!

There are so many beautiful, delicate and well executed mermaid manicures floating around at the moment – its even the current theme over on Tiny Canvas... I guess I had to go and ruin it because I didn't feel like painting something nicey-nice..

This bieesh will sink your ship and drink your tears... We'll remember this as the day Ariel couldn't come out to play.


Haha. I.. er.. Welcome to the dark part of my brain! I don't like her as much as the last mermaid I did but I guess she's got some attitude, right?

I started this manicure by applying my Nail Envy base coat from OPI. Once dry I added two coats of China Glaze's 'White On White' (new favourite white!) I used my metallic acrylic paints to sort of dab on various colours for my moody sky and created the rest with my fave 'WhatsUpNails' brush.

I kinda like how this came out. I am going to hedge a bet that this will flop on IG, Land of the beautiful mermaid nails. Seriously though, there are some really beautiful designs out there!
Its fun to try different things, don't you think?

Here's my hair adventure. My hair is naturally VERY thick, wavy, curly.. I had wanted it short for a long time but felt restricted.. Now since I'm making so many changes, BAM!

You have permission to laugh your heads off at the before, brushed hair picture!

What do you think of my angelic looking mermaid? Do you ever do the opposite of what you'd think is expected?

Thank you for stopping by, my beautiful's! Have a wonderful day, I'll catch you again on Saturday!


  1. Wow, you had a lot of hair! Your new do looks great on you and I can imagine it's a lot easier to handle this way :)
    Your merbieesh looks absolutely evil and I love that is not all rainbows and roses but a nasty one for a change. Awesome job!

    1. I did have a lot of hair, years ago I used to straighten it and take good care of it - as my unhappiness grew in the situation I was in I just started bunning it which in turn just made it even harder to deal with when it was let free. Thank you for your kind words! Merbieesh made me laugh! I'm glad you didn't mind me breaking the mermaid formula!

  2. Sometimes we have to show our darker side in our manicures not just the sweet or cute ones. I like the mermaid, it is totally different that I have ever seen until now and that makes it unique and wonderful. As about your hair, I think is looks way better with the new hairstyle, it's modern and it suites you!

    1. I agree, Andrea! I like trying to think of things that I've not seen done before :D Thank you so much!

  3. You look great!
    And the mermaid is evil, a bit cute, still evil :)

    1. Thank you so much, darling :D I am glad you like my mermaid!

  4. Your hair looks fabulous! I'm so glad that things are going well for you and you seem to be thriving under the big life changes that you've been experiencing lately. I really love the galaxy background on this mani! Such an awesome use of a classic technique for the foundation of these nails. :)

    1. Thank you, Rachelle! I have a few looser moments, I felt a bit down lastnight but I went to bed and started a new day fresh and I'm doing good! I think its important to feel and to allow myself to deal with everything thats happened but then I gotta pick myself up and carry on :) I wouldn't say it was a traditional galaxy nail since I did it all with acrylics - I can't do polish ones, haha! :)

  5. Love the evil mermaid. Its terrifyingly beautiful .I love this side of yours :D
    You look pretty in your new hair style. I am glad to know you are having fun experimenting the new beginning of your life. That good. Stay happy ! :) x

    1. Thank you, Rosy! The funny thing is.. I find it so hard to do scary nails for Halloween, I am weird about when I feel in the mood for certain nail art, haha. Thank you for your kind words :)

  6. You look fantastic! Wow, what a lot of hair you had cut off :)
    I love the manicure too, it's really good :)

  7. Your nail art is magical as always, and I love you hair!!

  8. Oh new hair style suits you a lot and I forgot to praise your new blog banner. I love it. And I don't like evil mermaids...She is looking dangerous.


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