Freehand African Wild Dog Nail Art - Endangered Species

Allo polish Pals,

How's your Monday dangling? Dangling instead of hanging, why not mix it up?
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, you know I love to hear what you've been up to!

Today's nail art is once again inspired by the weekly challenge at Tiny Canvas (if you are looking to meet some of the sweetest ladies in the nail community you should join us!)

This week our prompt is endangered animals. You guys know I love animals and painting them so I was excited for this one. Of course there were far too many beauties to choose from, it was really hard to settle on which animal was I was going to paint but I decided to go for an African Wild Dog – I adore these and hadn't realised they are endangered. :(

 I feel like I made a bit of a boo-boo with this design, don't we think his ears should have been rounder and bigger? Ah well.

I also decided to try and create a textured looking fur nail by taking short brush strokes with the colours I used on his fur. I'm not a fan of animal print nail and I know this is a new level of extreme but I think it kinda looks cool... I wouldn't wear this typically but it kinda suits with the theme, don't you think?

For the remaining nails I painted a beautiful blue sky and long tall golden grass as its the sort of environmental habitat associated with them.

What do you think of my African Wild Dog? Are you in any fun nail art groups?

Have a beautiful day my friends, thank you so much for visiting! Catch ya again on Wednesday!




  1. This is beautiful! The portrait, the landscape, even the fur looks great and I totally don't like animal print nails :)

  2. OMG, how can you paint so perfect? Your skills are from day to day better and better. Love how the wild dog came out and I like the matte finish of this mani!

  3. I think your texture nails are super awesome! Really cool take on an animal print!

  4. Its amazing. the wild dog came out fantastic :D

  5. All the detail in the fur is amazing! I used to take care of African wild dogs when I worked at the Bronx Zoo :)


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