2 Manicures In 1 Post! Holograpghic Laser Stripes Nail Art Glitter Sequins - BeautyBigBang Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was supplied for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.
Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing? I hope you are having a great week so far :)

Today I have another product from BeautyBigBang.com to share with you, these are LaserStripes Holographic Round Thin Sequins Nail Decorations. Basically.. really small cute studs with a line of holo running through them.

For this review I have two looks to show you! Why? Because I was highly dissatisfied with both of them.. sigh.

 Keep reading, there's another manicure to see!

For the first manicure I sort of envisioned the studs as sparkly twinkling stars, I thought they would look kinda cute just hanging from the sky, like they are suspended by string. I also have some pictures of the painting process although apparently I got really 'into it' and stopped taking pictures once I started the dolphins. Opps. 

They come in three optional sizes including 3m, 2mm and 1mm. I am wearing the 1mm, I wanted to see how small they were as I don't usually like to wear such big studs. I was however really happy with the size of these though, they fit very easy on my nail and sit perfectly flat.

For the first manicure I sort of envisioned the studs as sparkly twinkling stars, I thought they would look kinda cute just hanging from the sky, like they are suspended by string. I also have some pictures of the painting process although apparently I got really 'into it' and stopped taking pictures once I started the dolphins. Opps.

Can I tell you what these remind me of? Music CD's! Do children still know what those are these days? The are miniature holo goodness! I used to like staring at my sister's CD's when I was younger (she is 7 years older than me) Secret fact, I thought my sister was really cool. Can't tell her that though, it'll go to her head :P I also loved it when she would clean her bedroom because she had this habit of de-cluttering and I would end up with whatever she no longer wanted, everything in her room seemed so cool and grown up so I was always happy!

Which takes me onto the second manicure, the hashtag manicure because I think it had a really funny 80's vibe to it, or a little of the old with the new. I'm not sure what I wanted to do symbols and a holo hashtag but I did, so that's that! :)
As I said.. I'm still unamused with both of these designs however you guys sometimes seem to love what I hate its lovely to get your opinion too :)

What do you think of these holo rainbow studs? Which manicure did you prefer?

I hope you all have a lovely day, thank you for visiting again! I hope to see you again on Saturday, fancy a sneak peak?..



  1. I think both looks are cute- but I especially love the dolphins! I love how the sequins "hanging" in the foreground give some perspective and depth to the mani; and they look adorable! It makes it appear that you are at some summer party by the sea, looking out at the sea through a porch with lights strung on it, and you see dolphins playing in the water. It's really a lovely effect!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Rachelle! I wanted to incorperate them into my freehand design rather then just placing them (I'm not sure theres any difference between what I just mentioned, haha) but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your take on it too, its made me see it in a whole new light! Thank you!

  2. This time I'm afraid I have to agree with you. The dolphins look awesome but for me the glitters don't really belong there and the half moon manicure just isn't my thing... sorry :(

    1. Oh no, Joyce! I am sorry you don't like these but never apologise, I am always happy to hear peoples opinions and not everyone can like everything! The world would be a boring place, haha. I will agree though, I'm not loving the second either. I did that one first and really did not want to post it so the dolphin's kinda saved the post!

  3. I like the first nail art better, because of the cute little dauphins and I like in both manicures the way you applied the interesting looking studs.

  4. OMG those dolphins are awesome! I love them!! I also like the second mani, but the dolphins steal the show :D

  5. Both manis are amazing and you used these sequins in a creative way :)


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