Freehand Enchanted Fairy Mushroom Village

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? Have you had a productive week so far? Tell me one great thing that has happened to you so far, big or small - I think its really good for the soul to pin point the great things, no matter how insignificant they seem.

Today I'll be off to a country side animal park with my sister and her children. I have truly loved all the time I've got to spend with my Niece and Nephew on this stay, they are home for the school holiday so I've had more time with them then usual!

Today's nail art is one that I really enjoyed painting, I had this idea for a mushroom fairy village for a while however my first attempt wasn't quite... right. I painted a blue sky and somehow it just didn't seem to have the magic that I felt the concept deserved. I am really glad I redid it as a night time painting.

There's not much I can really tell you about this nail art, I didn't use anything terribly exciting. I began with my OPI 'Nail Envy' base coat. Once that was dry I moved on to two thin coats of Barry M's 'White' nail polish. I then applied a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat to create a nice smooth barrier. I used my acrylic paints and best brushes to create my enchanted forest.

If anyone has issue's with the fairies not having faces, you can talk to the hand! If I paint any smaller than that my eyes will fall out and roll off the desk – I don't want that! :P

What do you think of my enchanted fairy village? Have you ever created a scene on your nails before?

Thank you so much for visiting today, I'd love to know your one positive thing from this week so far and of course your thoughts on this nail art! I'll catch you again on Saturday!



  1. This is adorable! I can totally see fairies wanting to live in those mushrooms :)
    As for great things... I think the best one so far was my mom's surprise present of four nail polishes that I didn't own yet, but the week is only half way so who knows what might happen in the next four days ;)

    1. Aww thank you so much, Joyce! I'll let you know if any go up for rent, haha! Oh that is super sweet of your mum to buy you polishes, what a lovely surprise! I hope more wonderful things have happened since! <3

  2. Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful, the mushrooms look fantastic :D

  3. So cute! Mlove the itty bitty fairies! 😍

    1. Thank you very much, Rachelle! They were quite tricky to paint!! :D

  4. Good thing? Spring's coming!
    And your imagination has no boundaries. Great mani!

  5. These are magical!
    The most recent excititng thing in my life is that I just got a tattoo for my beloved kitty that I had to say goodbye to :(

  6. That's so dreamy beautiful mani. Adorable! <3 Nice to hear you had a wonderful time with your family. :-)


♥Thank you so much for visiting today. I always love to read your thoughts and comments so don't be a stranger, come join in!

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