The Lonely Planet, Bunny & Space Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? Do you have anything nice planned this weekend?
I don't think I'll be up to much, I'm sort of looking to having a quiet one in. Maybe I'll have a swatchy Sunday.

Sometimes I make nail art and while I'm thinking “pretty' nails” - what I'll describe as 'pleasant' art that doesn't really have much substance or meaning behind it. It's literally just 'nice'  to look at without provocking any thoughts.

Sometimes though I love to paint nails that actually have more of a hidden depth to them, a background story even. I'd say the emotion behind this nail art is about being lonely or isolated from everything else. I'm not generally a lonely person but I do miss my family at times. It doesn't always get easier the longer I am away from them so I guess that is kind of where this came from...

There's nothing else on that planet. Just a bunny and a tree. That's gotta be pretty lonely. Poor Bunny.. I wonder if there are other bunnies on the other planets.. Besides that, its still pretty 'pleasant' I guess.

For this manicure I used OPI's 'Nail Envy' base coat and once dry I applied two coats of Barry M's 'White' (Surprise!!) I then used a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat as a nice smooth barrier. Once this was dry I used my fat old brush (it looks like a felt tip pen..) and created the sky by mixing different shades together and creating the acrylic-gradient. For everything else I used my Christrio and Pure Color Brushes.

What does this nail art make you feel? Are there hidden meanings behind your nail art?

Have a fantastic weekend my friends, Thank you so much for stopping by! Don't forget to say hi in the comments below and let me know what you are up to this weekend :)



  1. Your bunny looks adorable and of course your landscape is gorgeous. I hope you're going to have a great, relaxed, sunny weekend. I definitely need to recharge so I'm going to find a spot near the window with a book and a pot of tea... and do absolutely nothing. Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much, Joyce! I had absolutely nothing planned this weekend and I just don't know how to deal with my free time unless I'm doing something productive! I have to say your afternoon with tea and a good book sounds absolutely lovely!

  2. Your imagination is admirable. Pretty, cute picture. Great job!

  3. this is just awesome! i love this manicure so much:) follow U on google plus;) hope U follow back;)

    1. Many thanks, Kathy! I have followed you back :)

  4. So adorable! You always create those wonderful and awesome freehand landscape-plus-animal-manis, I admire your talent!

    1. Thank you so so much, that is very kind of you! I love to paint animals, I forget how many times I include them in nail art, hehe :)

  5. I agree with all the ladies above. It's Truly adorable. Your manis are cute little stories of your thoughts, emotions and imagination. :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Nailfame <3 I was surprised by how many comments sort of seemed to overlook the emotion on IG but I'm glad you guys get it! :)

  6. I really love the choice of purple flowers for the blossoms on the tree. It adds just the right touch of sweet sadness and beauty to the scene. Lovely nail art, as always. :)

    1. Thank you so much Rachelle! I thought the purple would be a nice contrast from the blue-ish sky :) Thank you for your kind words!

  7. That's so cute, and it has a story behind it, I love it <3 Can't say I've ever created a mani with a hidden message, but I've had a few that meant a lot to me, because they 'accompanied' me during important events in my life :)

    1. Thank you so much, Joanne! You actually really made me think then, I hadn't thought of it like that! I guess they really do go through live events with us, I like thinking of it that way!

  8. Aww, isn't that bunny just the cutest little thing ever! ♥

  9. That bunny is so adorable! The amount of detail here is so amazing


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