Freehand Half Moon Holo Fish Bowl Nails!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? Did you have a great weekend?

My nails are shot. We worked a lot on clearing Mr Bravo's Grandma's house, restoring the wooden floors, weeding the garden and putting the stairs back to their original shape. My nails have not enjoyed all the chemicals and hard work; Luckily they look ok in these pictures but you may notice it in my upcoming posts. I'm doing my best to give them plenty of TLC and get them back to how they were.

Anyway! Today's nails are inspired by the weekly challenge on Tiny Canvas – We had to create half moon manicures and I was thinking really hard (like really hard!) to think of how I could do a half moon manicure with a twist. I  decide to try and paint inside the half moon!
I had so many idea's on what I could put within my half moons... Mountains, full on scenery? some kind of  rainbow acrylic-gradient? For some reason I settled on a fish bowl idea!

I'm not all that happy with the out come of these but I'm not going to be too hard on myself. I don't need to give myself a hard time but I just couldn't get the half moons smooth with my acrylic at all. In hindsight rather than starting them in blue I should have began in white.

The polishes I used for this manicure are Mezmris Nail Lacquer's basecoat, 'Armor Up', The Body Shop's...[Brain Fail]  and Polish Me, Royalty's 'Unicornacopia' for the twinkly holo top coat. I finished by sealing it all in with my Mezrmris Nail Lacquer top coat, 'Armor'.

What do you think of my fishy nail art? If you ever find yourself looking for manicure prompts or idea's I highly suggest joining Tiny Canvas – the weekly challenges are so fun and not at all mandatory!

Don't forget to have your say! Have you ever had a half moon manicure before? Do you think these are original or just plain silly?

Have a beautiful day, my friends! I'll catch you again on Wednesday!


  1. The mani is super cute!! I love all those tiny fishes!! :3

  2. First thing I saw: bright red holo... and I started drooling right then and there!
    I think you did a great job with the little fish bowls and I'm pretty sure the fishies love their home right there on your nails :)

  3. I love them; I like doing half moons from time to time. Yours are so precise and cute. I love the red holo background.

  4. You are so precise. Amazed with your perfection and clean work. <3


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