Cake Puff Water Decals & Hologrpahic Accent - Born Pretty Store Review

Allo polish Pals,
How are you all doing today? I hope everything is going well with you.

You may or may not know whats going on with me depending on where you follow me. I've been pretty vague here but I'll just be to the point, yesterday we had to say goodbye to Mr Bravo's Grandma. I've become really close to her in the past four years, it's been heart breaking on so many levels and seeing my Dutch family in pain.

I had these posts all prepared and written up.. so I am going to carry on posting because while there is nothing to do I need to keep busy, at the same time because all these posts were ready I can still be as available as I need to be for my family. Thank you for all the well wishes, you guys are just beautiful.

Today though we have some really fun decals to look at from The Born Pretty Store. These are '2 pattern/sheets Cake Puff Nail Art Water Decals' (Phew, and I even trimmed the name down a little) which I have paired with a left over holo nail sticker. I'm not sure the two look great together but it certainly makes me think birthday party! 

This water decal comes with two different patterns, one with a full pattern of overlapping never ending goodies and one with smaller spaced out cakes and polka dots.

These water decals caught my eye as soon as I saw them, I particularly loved the full patten which is the first one I'll be showing you from these two. It is so vibrant and cheery! I guess as with all decals there are SO many different ways to wear them but I stuck to a fairly simple design.

These are the types of decals I enjoy most as they are sightly thicker (like the ones that are solid, I find the trans
parent designs tear more easily and give you less time to position correctly) which means I can get a lot of wiggling onto the nail to help even out any creases before they start to harden. I used my Pro-FX top coat to seal the decals in.

I paired this pattern with this holographic sticker  because the pattern is quite busy and I didn't want all the nails to be the same.
What do you guys think of this nail art? Do you like the cakey/holo coupling?

Have a beautiful day, My friends! Thank you so much for visiting, don't forget to come and say hi in the comments! Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!



  1. I am sorry for your and you're boyfriend loss. These times can be very hard. As about the decals, they look fun and so colorful and joyful. I like the whole outcome!Hugs!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss :( My heart goes out to you and your family <3

  3. Oh Ithi, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! Take care and you're in my thoughts.

  4. Love these ithi and Hiya From Me xx Jo xxx


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