Freehand Gentle Water Dragon & Duck Friends!

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are doing awesome!
Thank you to everyone who left such kind and lovely messages for my blogiversary! If its possible to be spoilt rotten with words that exactly what happened over the weekend. You guys are just the best!

Today I have a completely random nail art design, I wanted to create some kind of mythical creature. I didn't really have much in the way of planning when I began this but I am kinda happy with how it turned out.

This is Samson, the friendly water dragon. He guards the magical lake that leads you to the castle, only those he approves of may take the boat to the other side. He's not lonely though, He's got Brian and Bean the ducks for friends.

For this manicure I began with a smooth and healthy coat of Mezmris Nail Lacquer's 'Armor Up' base coat and once dry – pretty much immediately, may I add – I moved on with two coats of Barry M's 'White'. I then applied a thin coat of Pro-FX top coat to create a barrier between my white and my acrylics.. just because. I then used my old tatty Bamboo brush (0.99 from BPS about 2-3 years it still works magic I do not know.) to create my sky gradient using acrylic paints. I finished everything else using my finer detailing brushes and completed with Mezmris Nail Lacquer's 'Armor' top coat for a beautiful glossy finish. I also did a matte version to because old habits die hard.

I kinda like how this came out, I think it has quite a relaxing feel to it, don't you?

What do you think of my water dragon? Have you ever created a gradient with acrylic paint before?

Have yourself a beautiful day! I'll be back on Thursday with more more nail art fun :)


  1. I love it! The dragon is amazing, it reminds me a bit the dragon from The Neverending Story movie :)

    1. Thank you so much, A.notcopyacat! Yes I've been told that quite a few times! I think Falcor has floppy ears? I have not seen the movie the whole way through, only a snip here and there so I will have to watch it one day!

  2. Samson and his duck friends look so cute! I want to pet them :D

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Jacquie! I love magical-ness! :)

  4. It's absolutely gorgeous, so magical :D

  5. What a cute friendship! Love them! <3

  6. Lovely and harmonious, those two words popped up. And I don't even have to make up my own story as you already did that for me :)


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