4th Blogiversary!! 4 Year Recap - How much did my nail art really change?

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I'm doing pretty well.. actually, I'm really happy because today I am celebrating my 4th year of blogging! How can it be 4 years already?!

Blogging has changed my life in so many ways. When I started this blog I was really shy, very unsure of what I was doing, what I wanted it from it and I guess actually what enjoyment I wanted to get from it (I'd say discovering freehand covered that) I think I'm probably an entirely different person. So many things have happened within four years, good and bad, I've made great friends and said goodbye to some whose time burnt out too soon. I feel like the blog has grown with me.

Besides the nail art, the editing and typing side of things I feel like I've learnt a lot through this journey and I feel like its taught me a lot about myself. Certainly a lot about how crazy I can be about organisation and planning.

A few of you have been here since the start and seen how my nail art has changed since it all began but I decided it would be kind of fun to do a recap. I mean.. literally from my first ever post. I hope you enjoy this video!

 THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart for all the support and encouragement you've given me over the years. Blogging is fun but you guys make it what it is. I am so lucky and grateful to have made such great friends and have such loyal followers.

Thank you so much to all of you who continue to come visit my blog, those who leave supportive and warm messages of encouragement and for those who lurk quietly in the background wether it be here or on social media. I appreciate every single one of you!

I also hit 2k on Instagram this weekend making it a really spectacular blogiversary weekend, thank you if you follow me on IG! 

My nail journey isn't over yet, I don't see the end page for sometime, I'm having too much fun here and I hope you are too. :)

Have yourselves a beautiful day, my friends! I'll catch you again on Tuesday!



  1. Congratulations again to your 4th Blogiversary ♥
    You're doing a great job and the video is so cool! Your skills have developed a lot since these four years, you're so talented!

    1. Oh thank you so much! That is so kind of you to say! I'd say I've still got a long way to go in where I want to be but I wouldn't have come this far without persistance so I'll keep on going! ♥

  2. You made so much progress in these years! Happy blog anniversary!

  3. Yay, congrats, that's so cool that it's four years already!
    Also, what an amazing progress you've made, it's stunning :D

    1. I know! 4 years seems to have flown by! Thank you so much, Joanne! You are always so kind :) ♥

  4. It's amazing to see how your art has changed in 4 years!

  5. Congratulations on 4 years! Your skill has definitely improved :) yeah I was pleasantly surprised how nice people are in nail blogging world!

  6. Ooooooo la la laaaa......Congratulations and Celebrations!!! hahha...you are the best Ithi! <3 Your progress is mesmerising! Congratulations dear! <3 <3 <3

  7. Oh no!!! I missed your blogiversary... *shakes fist at work and hospital appointments*
    Congratulations none the less and I hope you'll be around for way longer!!


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