10g Dazzling Glitter & Freehand Watermelons - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes, however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals! 
How are you all doing today? What kind of a weekend did you have? Let me know your weekend highlight :)  The weekend was CRAZY-FUN for me! - normally I am telling you that not much happened!

Me and Mr Bravo traveled to Bramant in Holland and got to catch up with my sister and family! I know it wasn't long since I was home but considering I've seen them very few times this year it was so nice, and so much fun! We had lunch out, we ordered them Dutch food they had not tried and I got to see my two favorite little friends (niece and nephew!) and of course it was lovely to have a weekend away too. All with so much thanks Mr Bravo's brother and sister in law who helped us meet up at the right places and so on :) I'm thinking of compiling a life style post (Wow, a first!) just to cover the last few weeks. Mr Bravo and I ended up stopping in Rotterdam in between our train and subway rides on the way home. The weather was gorgeous. We don't always get to do fun stuff.. and we could. SO WE DID. :)
Today I have a review of '10g Dazzling Nail Art Glitter 7 Colours' from The Born PrettyStore to share with you. I'll be showing you the '8840' colour choice.

I want to start by saying I don't tend to use loose glitters like this too often. I guess the reason why I do chose them when I do is because I see so many really cool indie polishes packing a ton of unique glitter colours and shapes and I get a lemming so bad! This is actually when I ended up picking this colour selection!

This comes in a little screw top bottle and contains 10g worth of glitter, and let me tell you something... the bottle is packed! You'll get a lot to play with although I doubt most people want to cover all of their entire nails. Or you can, you do what makes you happy!

Just for my readers, with love.
The glitters come in bright green, bright pink, metallic blue and white hexagons as well as little bars of white glitter.... I suppose these are perfect for some fancy glitter placement but I looked at the bottle.. and then I looked inside my heart...And I decided to pat it all on! Cover the nail! Let there be (neon) light!...Ahem.. I sealed it all in with my top coat and removed any excess from around my nails.

Since applying my top coat they seem to have stayed on pretty well. I am not finding bits everywhere!I really like the colour combination and the sizing of the glitter pieces.I really, really like them and I also love the idea of having a few more colour variations to go with freehand designs.

I decided to do some rough sketchy bluey/green lines and added my freehand watermelon pieces on top. I am sure you guys would find amazing ways to wear this but I thought wearing it as a full accent nail would be a really fun thing to pair with my watermelon freehand art.

What do you think? Do you like this freehand/glitter combination? How would you wear this glitter?

If you liked this nail art please, please be a SUPER sweetpea and click a share button below, sharing is caring!

Have a beautiful day my friend, Catch ya again on Wednesday!


  1. I actually own a glitter topper which looks like it's made of those loose glitters! That's funny! I love those watermelons, they are adorable!

  2. Your manicure looks so happy, it just makes me smile, and reading about your weekend makes my smile even bigger! I'm glad you had a great time and who knows, maybe they will visit more often? I certainly hope so!

  3. This manicure is such a summery, lovely number! Gorrrgeous.

  4. What juicy summery mani! Well done!

  5. That glitter is so pretty and I love your watermelons. I would love to see you do some style posts :)


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